487 To help each other in difficult times (2)_1

Shen You stood not far away, captured the scene just now with his phone, connected to the precious satellite signal exclusive to the rescue forces, and shared the video to the WeChat group with the title "Major relief!"

He glanced at the direction of Che Huan's tent. The power and communication were temporarily cut off, so his sister-in-law couldn't see it yet. As soon as the emergency repair team from the power and communication department arrived and fixed it, she would inevitably open WeChat. He was waiting to see her reaction, which was sure to be stunning.


Huo Jinnan led a small team to carry out rescue work.

Shen You and Yu Zimu, who didn't hold any official title or smooth rhetoric, stayed at the relocation area, distributing winter clothes, rice, flour, oil, and other necessities of life to the disaster-stricken people, sent to Fangli Village earlier.