Chapter 79 Attack_1

How powerful can a celebrity's influence be?

For further reference, see celebrity idiot fans, and even more so, the current state of Weibo.

The topic #Liu Zhi bullied by cast members# had already been cycled through Weibo several times, and what's worse is that someone already stepped forward to confirm that the person playing Qiao Muran was indeed the girl bullying Liu Zhi.

They were originally just fans of the book characters, so naturally, at this time, they wouldn't confront Liu Zhi's fans over an actor, and what's even worse is that they didn't know whether this girl would ruin the show because of this.

Musheng anticipated trouble the moment she saw everyone's expressions. After Li Zhou looked at her, his first response was to turn towards Liu Zhi, wearing an almost displeased expression, whereas Liu Zhi just slightly quivered her eyelashes and said indifferently, "It wasn't me."

To deal with Musheng, he would never resort to such means, he disdains it.