Chapter 173 Reality Show Recording 3_1

Musheng was carrying a suitcase for just a few clothes because Mo Yao had prepared a heap of food for her to build good relationships.

She packed about a dozen of these gift boxes, and seeing the little girl was so adorable, Musheng gave her one.

Mo Yao's culinary skills were naturally beyond reproach. Just smelling the food made the girl want to eat, and she happily jumped around. She gave some to her parents first. With Musheng present, her parents couldn't object to eating something from a stranger. Seeing the treats looked quite appetizing, her mother tried a piece first, and upon tasting it, her eyes lit up.

Liu Zhi could only watch with wide eyes as Musheng, who didn't even try to be particularly nice, successfully won over the hearts of the entire family. The little girl even hovered around Musheng nonstop before boarding the plane, prompting Liu Zhi to give her impatient looks tinged with a touch of jealousy. Eventually, Musheng gave him a box as well.