Chapter 249 She is the Successor_1

The next day when Musheng woke up, she was awakened by noise. Despite having slept deeply due to her illness, her keen perception was beginning to recover, and she was immediately aware of Xiao Keke getting out of bed.

When she awoke, there wasn't any particular dizziness, suggesting her illness had mostly improved. Musheng got out of bed and felt that the wound on her arm was no longer a serious issue, so she removed the gauze.

It wasn't long before Mu Lianmiao, who had already gotten up, knocked on the door and entered. Seeing Musheng sitting on the bed tending to her wound, the scar's horrifying appearance still managed to clench Mu Lianmiao's heart. He really didn't know how she had the strength to stab herself.

"Does it still hurt?"