Chapter 7: Are You Threatening Me?_1

After such a speech, everyone was dumbstruck, scared into a cold sweat with virtually no room left for thought, only dumbly nodding their heads.

"Young Master Ye, are you threatening me?"

Xu Mao, as the chairman of the A City Business Committee and a long-time family friend of the Ye Family, was also Ye Che's elder by generation.

His daughter had been publicly humiliated, and Ye Che had indirectly reproached him with these words; it was hard for him to save face.

Ye Che let out a light chuckle, his slender fingers caressing a silver ring on his fingertip, and spoke with a nonchalant air, "Chairman Xu, you know the kind of person I am, Ye Che, and you're also aware of my methods. Rather than calling it a threat, it's more like the final ultimatum..."

Chairman Xu had more than once thought of marrying into the Ye Family, and Ye Che had more than once expressed his unwillingness to marry anyone like Xu Ziqing; yet he had the audacity to bring Xu Ziqing to mock and bully his Weiyi?

All those who were present at the banquet were influential figures in the circle, were they not?

At the sight of Ye Che's subtle movement, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

The ring on his hand was a symbol of the dark, underworld influence of his mother's family.

However, Ye Che was not interested in that; he whitewashed those brothers and handed over full control to his cousin, Huoda.

It's just that sometimes when handling some tricky matters or dealing with people he didn't want to see, he would occasionally use some underhanded tactics...

In short, Ye Che was known for settling scores and having ruthless methods!

The elderly matriarch of the Ye Family, seeing the situation getting tense, quickly intervened to smooth things over and ease the awkwardness, "Weiyi, it's been twelve years since I brought you back to the Ye Family. Although you and Ye Che are not siblings, you grew up together, and your bond is even stronger than that of siblings. What Ziqing said is true; young people can be impulsive, especially after a few drinks—it's inevitable that they make mistakes..."

"Grandma doesn't blame you. After all, the women around my grandson have never been limited to just one... However, Grandma also believes that you will not cling to today's incident, pestering him to take responsibility for you, will you?"

The old lady's voice was even-tempered, with a hint of a pleasant smile on her lips, appearing to be a kindly old person, gently guiding her granddaughter.

But who couldn't understand the implication of her words?

Young Master Ye never lacked women by his side, and you, Xia Weiyi, are neither the first nor will you be the last. In the end, you're just a woman who can be gotten rid of with a sum of money—don't delude yourself that by getting into bed, you can legitimately marry into the Ye Family.

Weiyi, hearing her grandmother's words, nodded repeatedly, "Grandma, this is just a misunderstanding, I won't pester brother to take responsibility!"

The events unfolding before her left Xia Weiyi somewhat at a loss; how could she detect the underlying meaning in the elderly lady's words?

At that moment, all she wanted to do was to distance herself from Ye Che as quickly as possible, then cover her face and dive into the bed...

But Ye Che suddenly raised the corner of his eye, a flash of cold light appearing, "Xia Weiyi, what did you say? What do you mean by saying you don't need me to take responsibility?"

Xia Weiyi flung the belt on the bed towards him, her slightly reddened face showing a hint of annoyance, "Get dressed quickly and go out to greet the guests with Grandma. I, I don't need you to take responsibility..."