Chapter 21: Am I Still...?_1

"As you say, as you say!" The bodyguard quickly nodded and bowed.

But internally, he muttered with disdain: Ye Che, you're only good at scaring the poor working class. If Miss Weiyi was home, would you dare to speak with such arrogance? Even you usually listen to the young lady, let alone us?

Ye Che was about to say something else when suddenly his phone rang. Looking down, his brows immediately furrowed. "Huoda, if it's important, speak up. If not, hang up. Your young master is annoyed!"

Hadn't he said all of today's schedule was canceled? Why were those trivial company matters still bothering him?

"Oh, Young Master Ye, who has got your hackles up? Why such a temper?" Huoda sounded in an exceptionally good mood upon hearing the other's explosive tone. "I'm loitering outside right now. Guess who I just saw?"

"Huoda, it seems you're bored out of your mind and angling for a 'character-building' trip to Africa?" Ye Che's tone had become much colder.