Chapter 24: The Old Man is Not Dead Yet_1

As he spoke, he turned to look at Xia Weiyi and said, "Girl, your face looks so awful, are you really sick? Tell me where you feel uncomfortable, and Brother Huoda will take you to see a doctor."

Ye Che grabbed Huoda by the collar with one hand and flung him to the side, "I'm not dead yet, do I need you to curry favor with my woman here?"

Huoda was flung onto the couch, grimacing and yelping in pain. He was about to retort something, but when he saw Ye Che's face clouded with an icy and oppressive aura, emanating a suffocating pressure from his entire being.

His brow raised, "Fuck, is this kid really angry?"

Scratching his nose sheepishly, Huoda carefully put on a smile, "Uh, continue with what you're doing; I'll go check out the Shoushan Stone you brought yesterday. Don't mind me; I know how to entertain myself."

With that, he scurried out, looking dejected.



After Ye Che entered the room, he casually took off his suit and tossed it onto the bed.