Chapter 29: Don't Like Him_1

Ye Che turned his head to glance at the tightly closed door. Inside, it was quiet—no sound of Xia Weiyi's crying. He frowned slightly and let out a soft sigh, "Prepare something for her to eat later, and make sure it's light; she has just been crying and her stomach is probably upset.."

But in less than a second, before Aunt Xu could even remember to reply, Ye Che kicked the wall and cursed to himself, "Damn it, what the hell was I thinking? Whether she's hungry or uncomfortable, why the hell should I care?!"

This woman, if she doesn't get a bit of a lesson, she'll never learn!

As Ye Che entered the living room, Huoda was sitting on the sofa, gazing at something on TV as if he was looking at Noah's Ark, with an apple in his hand that was bitten all over the place.

"Why haven't you rolled out yet? We're not making dinner at home today. Don't even think about mooching off food and drinks here!"