Chapter 37: Did You Take Out Another Usurious Loan Again? _1


She had spent a whole day and night in a daze; the servants brought her lunch and dinner to the bedroom, but she didn't touch a thing.

It wasn't until 'Ding Ling Ling—' the ringtone of her cell phone sounded that Xia Weiyi's thoughts were pulled back.

Looking down, it was an unfamiliar number. She slid to answer the call, took a breath to calm herself, and tried to suppress the sob in her voice, "Hello, I am Xia Weiyi."

"Weiyi, it's your uncle. I'm at the Crystal Palace nightclub right now. Could you come over? I have something important to discuss with you."

Xia Weiyi was stunned; it was actually Zhou Dahai. How could he suddenly pop up after more than a decade of no contact?

She wanted to ask what was going on, but then she heard a cacophony from the other end of the phone, followed by a 'bang—', as though the phone had been smashed to the ground, and then there was a busy tone—

