Chapter 41: Someone Got Hit_1

Xia Weiyi was truly too proud, and she couldn't stand those who bullied others by flaunting their power, which is why she acted impulsively. Thinking back, she really was too headstrong just now.

Now without money and tied up in this godforsaken place, she might even end up being 'silenced through killing, forced into confession'—what should she do!

"Weiyi, how about, we call Young Master Ye to come pick us up?" and incidentally pay off his debt for him...

Xia Weiyi said nothing. In the pitch-black room, her tangled hesitation and the fleeting look of loss in her eyes couldn't be seen.

Just last night, she had a falling out with Ye Che over the 'written agreement', and now it was gambling debts... If this went on without end, when would she ever be able to repay the money she owed him and regain her freedom?

But now, perhaps her life was more important, right?



Ye Che, Huoda, and several senior executives of Yedi Group had a plane to catch to England at 6 PM.