Chapter 54: You Are Simply the Best, Dad_1

The one who answered the phone was Mrs. Xu, "Young Master, are you coming back tonight?"

"Mm," Ye Che, seated in the backseat, asked casually, "Where's Yiyi?"

"The young lady is listening to music and swinging in the yard. Should I call her in to take the phone?"

A faint smile crossed Ye Che's lips as if to say, the girl's in a good mood, huh? Had her fill and even knows to enjoy the cool?

"No need, just tell her that I have some matters to attend to tonight and will be back later, um... I estimate I'll be home by eleven, no, ten o'clock. If she's tired, she should just go to sleep and not wait for me."

"Yes, Young Master."

"Also, there's a breeze tonight, remember to get her a jacket to wear."

"Don't worry, young master, the young lady is well-dressed today—"

"A cup of hot milk before bed, she's been having insomnia lately."


"Let her keep the lights on when using the computer; it's bad for her eyes otherwise.."