Chapter 100: I Like This_1

At twenty-two, Ye Che had already taken over the entire Yedi Group. He was confident and distinguished, his sunny handsomeness tinged with a touch of reserve and maturity, which, coupled with his advantageous family background, had long made him the most sought-after bachelor at A University.

Even girls from other schools, drawn by his reputation, would come bearing gifts and stand at the gates of A University, hoping to catch a glimpse of this male god.

"Senior, this is a gift I picked out for you by hand. I hope you'll accept it," a bashful girl stopped Ye Che in his tracks.

Ye Che raised an eyebrow and took Xia Weiyi's hand, "Do you like it?"

Xia Weiyi glanced at the gift box, which contained a model airplane, and pouted, shaking her head, "I don't like it..."

With a wave of Ye Che's hand, a bodyguard stepped forward to block the girl, escorting Ye Che past her.