Chapter 106: Making money by raising pigs_1

Is he as handsome as you are? Does he have as good a physique as you? Is he as capable as you? Does he have as much wealth as you?

Even if Yiyi doesn't truly love him now, after all, she is the childhood sweetheart he has raised by hand. She's just sixteen. He has plenty of time and patience to slowly train her.

As for Xu Ziliang? Ye Che doesn't give him a second thought!

Ye Che sits on the sofa with a laptop on his legs, typing away loudly, occasionally staring at the screen in deep thought, occasionally scribbling down more things.

Xia Weiyi props up her little face and tilts her head to watch him. To be fair, although her brother always loves to tease and make fun of her, acting like a playboy, when he seriously gets down to work, he exudes an irresistible charm.

No wonder there are so many girls who, despite being hurt so badly, still flock around him...