Chapter 103: Big Brother Really Likes You_1

But Ye Che casually hooked Xia Weiyi's waist, savoring her minutely, while with his other hand, impatiently waved at the girl, as if shooing away a fly.

Seeing this, the girl, despite her thick skin, couldn't stay any longer and turned around to run away, covering her mouth and whimpering.

Not until the sound of high heels echoed did Xia Weiyi come back to her senses. Looking at Ye Che, who was still squinting his eyes as if inebriated, she suddenly raised her hand and pushed hard against his shoulder.

Ye Che staggered a step backward, seductively stroking his own thin lips, his elongated, upturned eyes brimming with an ambiguous peach blossom allure.

"I hate you!" Xia Weiyi shouted in annoyance, stomping her foot before running into the villa.

Watching the little thing act like a tail-stepped cat, Ye Che laughed, murmuring softly, "But, big brother really likes you..."