Chapter 113: Ye Che, You Bastard_1

Xia Weiyi jerked backward, clutching the blanket around her body. "What are you doing!"

Ye Che's gaze sharpened—was she afraid of his touch? So wary...

"What's the matter, so nervous for what? Afraid I'd sleep with you?" Ye Che leaned in maliciously, his voice sneering as he closed in on Xia Weiyi, "But technically, you're still my wife in name, so even if I did sleep with you, no one would dare say a word."

"Just look in the mirror, Xia Weiyi, and see the mess you are; it's disgusting. How can you even compare with the beauties outside?"

With those words, Ye Che stood up and took out a box of Durex from the drawer, shaking it at Xia Weiyi.

After shaking it for a couple of seconds, as if struck by a thought, he tossed the Durex on the bed and tsked a few times in light sigh, "Better not use it... it's not comfortable... Besides, Xie Yuting is clean, she wouldn't go behind my back and elope with another man, or have an affair..."