Chapter 125: Papaya Stewed with Hashima_1

Xia Weiyi knew that she had angered Ye Che; his greatest taboo was Xu Ziliang, and yet she had brazenly declared her love for him in front of Ye Che, claiming that Ye Che was no match for him...

This meek, obedient, and cute demeanor worked extremely well with Ye Che. He had enforced such measures upon her before, but as soon as he saw the little one's eyes redden and tears fall drop by drop, pitifully calling out "Big brother—"

All of Ye Che's messy negative emotions would instantly be extinguished, leaving not a trace behind.

Ye Che exhaled a heavy breath, seeing her little face flushed and her shoulders trembling slightly, biting her lip innocently, his heart felt as if it was being scratched by countless cat claws. He wanted to meld her into his very bones, yet couldn't bear to force her...

What kind of spell had Xia Weiyi cast on him? Two years had passed; how had he managed to keep his hands off her?