Chapter 133: Can You Speak Human Language_1

Earlier in the banquet hall, I did hear these people secretly discussing Xia Weiyi. I wondered how Ye Che could sit still, but it turned out that as soon as Xia Weiyi left, Ye Che immediately followed to teach Yang Tiangao a lesson.

"Yes, yes, I'm a moron, I'm a moron!" Yang Tiangao was on his knees, and until now he still didn't know what he had done to offend this high and mighty person.

Ye Che couldn't be bothered to waste words with him and simply pointed at Huoda, instructing, "I'm leaving him in your hands. If I see him again, I promise he'll be disabled from head to toe!"

After saying that, he stormed out and slammed the door.


After Xia Weiyi ran out of the banquet hall, she first went to the top floor to get some fresh air and sober up a bit before heading to the restroom.

Before she could enter, a hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, pulling her around the corner.