Chapter 130: Rivals in Love Meet_1

Furthermore, the woman by his side clearly didn't look like good news. With her years of experience dealing with mistresses, she should probably avoid dealing with this kind of vixen.

Thinking this, Xia Weiyi tried to quietly slip away by ducking her head, but perhaps because she had been standing in high heels for too long or was overly nervous, her calf went numb and she nearly fell over.

Xu Zhiye, who was next to her, reacted swiftly, quickly catching her: "What's wrong? Are you okay? Did you twist your foot? Did you hurt yourself?"

Xia Weiyi shook her head and looked down to find that her heel hook had come off.

She bent down to hook it back on, but Xu Zhiye was faster, squatting down and taking hold of her foot.

"Mr. Xu—I can do it myself—" Xia Weiyi was startled and quickly tried to withdraw her foot.