Chapter 143: What Are Your Intentions_1

First she tugged at his hair, then she poked his face, enjoying herself so much that she suddenly opened her mouth and playfully bit down on his earlobe.

Ye Che was wearing a white form-fitting cheongsam that stopped just above the knee. As Weiyi straddled/sat on top of him, her fair and slender legs were exposed, sending Ye Che's blood pressure skyrocketing.

"Yiyi, be good, don't move..." Ye Che's voice was already somewhat hoarse as he tried to control the flame inside him, his hands holding down the mischievous woman in his arms.

Weiyi hummed twice, burrowed her head in Ye Che's chest like a little cat, and fiddled with the buttons on his shirt. After playing with them for a bit, 'pop—' one came off.

'Hiss—' Ye Che inhaled sharply, his gaze deep and somewhat irritated. He lifted his hand and gave Weiyi's bottom a 'hard' slap twice before warning her sternly, "If you keep up this mischief, I'll spank you!"