Chapter 146: Disgusting and Want to Vomit_1

"Yiyi, be good, it'll be over soon, I promise!" Ye Che looked at her flushed little face, thinking that he had aroused her feelings, and with a devilish smile, he climbed on top of her.

Xia Weiyi suddenly felt a weight upon her body, and even the air seemed to thin out a great deal. She flailed her arms wildly, whimpering in her dreams.

"Uh~ Ziliang, I feel so bad, burning up..."

August 13th, August 13th, was Xu Ziliang's memorial day, and she felt like she saw him again in her dream.

However, those two words felt like a bucket of ice water poured over Ye Che, chilling him to the bone and instantly extinguishing all his tenderness and affection.

His arm, wrapped around her waist, tightened, and he pinched her soft flesh hard.

"Ah— it hurts—" Xia Weiyi felt as if she was about to be crushed, bearing a weight as heavy as tens of thousands of pounds.