Chapter 152: Have You Sorted It Out_1

"Madam, actually, the young master treated you quite well. Last night, he didn't close his eyes the whole night and stayed by your side until dawn,"

"Really?" Xia Weiyi was somewhat skeptical, but when she thought about waking up to see Ye Che sitting on the balcony drinking coffee, with a face full of fatigue, it seemed he really hadn't slept all night.

Despite that, Xia Weiyi was still distressed from the unexplained slap she received last night, and hummed sarcastically, "That's because he has a guilty conscience."

"How could that be!" The maid exclaimed, as in their hearts, the young master was nearly godlike in his perfection.

Xia Weiyi pointed to her still slightly swollen, bun-like cheek, puffing out her cheeks, "How could it not be? Do you know what happened to the wound on my face?"

The maid was taken aback and only then noticed the fine cracks at the corner of the lady's mouth. She was about to ask when Xia Weiyi's voice rose again.

"It was Ye Che who hit me!"