Chapter 180: Nosebleed_1

Ye Che held her, his lips and teeth slowly grazing her earlobe, a warm breath threading through her every sense. Xia Weiyi twisted uneasily, trying to push him away.

Then, a seductive and husky voice whispered in her ear, sensually asking, "Wife... I want you... may I...?"

I want you... may I...?

Even if it's ten years too late, or twenty, I want you, may I...?

He didn't want to force her anymore, didn't want to scare her anymore; he wanted her to be with him willingly.

As long as she stayed by his side, he was willing to wait.

Ye Che pressed Xia Weiyi tightly to his chest, completely oblivious to the girl's dazed expression triggered by his words.

His lips curled slightly as he felt her cease to resist him, and he carefully unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse. His hand naturally slipped inside.

Like a bottomless black hole, it harbored a strong gravitational pull, showing not only his own clear reflection but also a glimmer of scattered light twinkling within.