Chapter 226: The Big Secret of the Airport (Part 2)_1

So, Shasha let go of the hesitation in her heart but couldn't help shedding tears as she said, "Brother Ziliang, I wish you a smooth journey and, even more, I wish you happiness."

After speaking, Shasha turned around to leave the room, tightly clutching the birthday present against her chest as she did so.

Xu Ziliang watched her retreating figure and was momentarily stunned for a second before regaining his senses and muttering a "Thank you."

That night, although Shasha had said she wouldn't see Xu Ziliang off, she couldn't resist the urge to take one last look at him but unexpectedly witnessed what Ye Che did to Xu Ziliang near the airport.

At that moment, she wanted to call Uncle Xu, but her phone was out of battery. She didn't dare to leave and could only hide in a corner and watch as Xu Ziliang was beaten and kicked by a group of bodyguards.