Chapter 236: Your Wife is Here_1

"It's not like that." Xia Weiyi instinctively tried to shake off Ye Che's restraint, only to find that his grip had tightened even more. Xia Weiyi frowned slightly, "Ye Che, let me go. If Grandma and the Xu Ziqing see this, it will only lead to more misunderstandings."

"Little thing, are you jealous?" Ye Che's tone rose.

Ye Che appeared at Grandma's birthday banquet with Xu Ziqing. In the banquet hall, everyone and the media swirled with comments about her, a mix of sympathy, pity, and mockery coming from all directions.

He had already done all that, and yet he could still ask her with such composure whether she was jealous?

Was he mocking her or hinting at her overestimating herself?

Xia Weiyi's shoulders trembled slightly as she looked up at Ye Che, her tone both proud and slightly angry, "Ye Che, not every woman is like Xie Yuting or Lisa, revolving around you incessantly."

"Me, jealous of you? I think you're far too self-concerned!"

What kind of talk was that?