Chapter 313: Sharp-Tongued_1

Qin Yuji fell into a deep sleep only after hearing Chi Jingxuan's whisper.

The next morning when she awoke, the space beside her was empty. She had no idea what time the man had gotten up and left.

She checked her phone and saw it was already past nine o'clock. By the time she got ready and rushed to the office, it would be past ten, too late to do much of anything before the day ended. So Qin Yuji simply clutched her quilt and zoned out.

She had turned over the events that started the previous noon in her mind many times, and although Qin Yuji was certain that Chi Jingxuan's abnormal behavior was because of her, she had no clue as to the specific reason.

Then, she remembered Chi Jingming's demand for a 20 million transaction.

At the time, Chi Jingming was loud and clear about knowing all of the shady things she had done, as well as her sordid past. But Qin Yuji, who believed she had nothing to be ashamed of, didn't take it to heart.