Proper burial? Boat!

[ Note: The Women gifted by the system are virgins however, Mc doesn't obtain a reward for taking their chastity ]


[ Ding! What about giving a proper burial to the old man? ]


Meh! Too lazy for that, with that in mind, I snapped my finger. " Tick!! "

Instantly, all the lifeless bandits including the old man began to burn in black frames, immediately turning them all into ashes.

Meanwhile, Aunt has passed out so, she doesn't know about this, I will just slightly dig the upper part, and put a stone in it.

[ Should we go and find the ring now? I'll put the house under defensive array so, she can lay naked without any care and no one will come here ]


Let's do that, after all, I need to find the ring.

I got dressed and walked outside.

Luo Yi, was right in the bushes hiding herself while she took heavy breaths.