The Li Family!

" Ahem* Ahem* Sorry for keeping you waiting, I am greatly ashamed that I failed to serve Young Master, a cup of tea as my granddaughter was asking me about you, and I had to tell a million words to her about your greatness,"

Suddenly, Patriarch Li hurriedly enters the room.

He looked at me and instantly knelt on the cold floor while buttering me up.

" Only a Million words? Isn't it too little to describe my greatness? " I couldn't help but mutter looking at him coldly.

" I-Indeed! How can Young Master's greatness be described by a mere million words, I was just telling a portion of your greatness to her," the old man responded while his forehead began to sweat.

" Tch! Get up and have a sit, " saying that, I looked at him and maintained strong eye contact," I guess, you should know very well, why I have come here. Or, do I have to describe myself? "