The Quest -13

[ Ding! Dear constellations please check Author thought ]


As Zhao Ling sucked on my impressive length, she couldn't help but marvel at my size and girth.

But, hey! She is taking it deeper than before so, it is an improvement. As expected of a heroine.

Uhmmm💙 hhhmmm💙

' Gosh* I feel embarrassed... My mother is watching me, Quin is watching too, how did I come to this position, '

She said in her mind yet, she continued to suck, moving her head up and down.

Let's be real, it was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, it was a challenge that both terrified and excited her in equal measure.

I mean previously she has just sucked to save someone's life... This time it's different.


' nnn💙 Inside my mouth, the texture of his skin is smooth yet firm... It reminds me of velvety chocolate melting against my tongue. ' she thought.