Bai when vs maiden sect -4

June stood frozen like a statue, staring at the gruesome scene before her.

She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed... It was the brutal massacre of her fellow disciples by this ruthless stranger named Bai Shen.

He didn't shed a single mercy, he killed them like as if they were ants.

His cruelty and lack of remorse sent chills down her spine. Making her shiver uncontrollably.

Yet, despite his ruthlessness, he offered to spare her life if she led him to the Mystic Maiden sect.

That was quite a choice for her, it was like a hope and chaos at the same time.

Dhup! Dup!

Her heart pounded in her chest as she considered whether to trust him or not.

Will this cruel devil even spare her?

After all, he had shown no hesitation in killing those who crossed his path.

However, with nowhere else to turn and knowing that refusal meant certain death,

" Umm, " June reluctantly agreed by nodding her head.