God's Tear: God's Chosen Child

Chapter 1

In the desolate aftermath of the clash of realms, where heaven, hell, and gaia merged into one chaotic existence, a lone fortress stood as the final bastion of humanity—the fortress of gaia. Once a thriving world with three distinct realms, it now echoed with the whispers of the lost and the cries of the fallen.

Amidst the ruins, the surviving humans clung to their last hope within the sturdy walls of the fortress. Their numbers diminished, their spirits broken, they feared both the demonic and the divine forces that now roamed the amalgamated world. The once-mighty angels from heaven, though few in number, possessed unparalleled strength. The devils from hell, wicked and armed with curse magic, were not as formidable individually but were led by a being comparable to a god—the demon god Satan.

In the shadows of this grim reality, a 17-year-old orphan, scarred by the loss of his parents to devils and the enslavement of his older sister by angels, found himself in possession of a tear shed by God. This tear, a divine intervention in the chaos, landed in the hands of the young survivor.

With a heart burning with hatred for both the demonic and the divine, the orphan faced a choice. The tear, a symbol of divine empathy, held the potential to change the course of his destiny. Would he succumb to the darkness that surrounded him, or would he rise above the despair and forge a new path for himself and what remained of humanity?

As the sun set on the forsaken world, the orphan stood at the crossroads of vengeance and redemption. Chapter 1 closed, leaving the question hanging in the air like a heavy mist—what shall he do now?

Chapter 2

As Orion touched the crystallized tear, he found himself engulfed in a radiant, pure white light. In that luminous space, he beheld the colossal eye of God, speaking to him with a voice as vast as the sky. The tear granted him the ability to channel one of three divine powers once a month: creation, destruction, and God's command.

With this newfound gift, Orion understood the weight of responsibility that came with each power. Creation allowed him to shape a needed object, destruction empowered him to eliminate a chosen enemy, and God's command bestowed upon him the authority to manipulate the very laws of the world.

The tranquil moment was shattered when the village chief called for the monthly protection fee demanded by the angel. The villagers gathered, and the angel began collecting their blood, a ritual that ensured their safety from divine wrath. However, a frail old woman, on the verge of death, could not afford to give more blood without risking her life.

As the angel prepared to strike her down, Orion burst onto the scene. Harnessing the power of creation granted by God's tear, he conjured the divine slayer ring—a powerful artifact that bestowed upon him the ability to combat divine beings.

With the ring on his finger, Orion stood defiantly against the angel, ready to challenge the oppressive forces that had tormented his people. The stage was set for a clash between the mortal wielding divine power and the celestial being demanding submission.

Chapter 2 closed, leaving the readers on the edge of anticipation, eager to discover the outcome of Orion's bold confrontation with the angel and the unfolding consequences of his newfound abilities.

Chapter 3

Orion's desperate attack against the angel proved futile, as his punches had no effect on the celestial being. Flicked away like a mere insect, he crashed through a building, bearing witness to the angel's merciless slaughter of the fleeing villagers. Panic gripped the air as the once-thriving settlement turned into a gruesome battlefield.

Amidst the chaos, the village chief confronted Orion, accusing him of bringing doom upon them. Before he could utter another word, the angel's blade silenced him forever. In the face of tragedy, Orion, fueled by frustration and grief, questioned God about the apparent failure of the powers granted by the tear.

In response, God revealed that Orion had been using the powers incorrectly and declared that divine interference could no longer be provided. Left to his own devices, Orion, in a fit of anger, picked up a rock and hurled it at the angel, only to see it fail against the celestial foe.

The angel retaliated with a casting of divine magic, unleashing a deadly holy rain that claimed the lives of the remaining villagers. Pierced through the chest, Orion's despair reached its peak when the angel callously mentioned the selling of his sister to them for nothing. This revelation triggered a surge of anger within him, awakening the latent power of the divine slayer ring.

The ring manifested gauntlets and boots on Orion, enveloping him in a pure dark energy that weakened the celestial light of the angel. Flabbergasted by the sudden turn of events, the angel found itself on the receiving end of Orion's newfound strength. A powerful punch sent the celestial being flying through the desolate wasteland, marking the beginning of a fierce confrontation between the mortal wielding dark energy and the divine entity that had once seemed invincible.

Chapter 3 concluded, leaving readers eager to uncover the extent of Orion's newfound abilities and the unfolding battle against the angel.

Chapter 4

As the angel, spurred and angered by Orion's unexpected strength, launched multiple fragments of holy light at him, the darkness surrounding Orion engulfed and nullified the celestial onslaught. Unfazed, he walked slowly toward the retreating angel, who, sensing impending doom, began to run. In a moment of intense focus, Orion summoned a dark bow and shot an arrow through the angel's heart, bringing an abrupt end to its existence.

With the celestial threat eliminated, Orion's surroundings shifted, and he found himself back in the ruins of his village. The dark bow, gauntlets, and boots that had empowered him disappeared, leaving him lying on the ground, bleeding from the wound inflicted by the angel's blade. The world faded as Orion succumbed to unconsciousness.

When he awoke, he found himself in a dimly lit cell, chained and without the divine slayer ring. A guard approached and informed him that he was in Gaia's fortress. Astonished, Orion questioned how they could enter the fortress, as outsiders were previously deemed invaluable. The guard revealed that circumstances had changed, and Orion was to be taken to court, where the likely outcome would be his execution.

As Orion laughed bitterly, contemplating the paradise he and his sister had once dreamt of, he realized the potential of the divine slayer ring. If he had it, he could save his sister from the clutches of angels. The gravity of the situation sank in as he prepared to face the uncertain fate that awaited him in court.

Chapter 4 concluded, leaving readers on the edge of anticipation, eager to discover the twists and turns of Orion's trial and the potential repercussions of his actions against the angel in Gaia's fortress.

Chapter 5 

As Orion stood in court, facing the verdict of execution for the perceived crime of killing an angel and provoking a war with celestial beings, a military-looking figure intervened. This man recognized the potential value of the divine slayer ring and suggested that Orion could be valuable if they could harness its power and mass-produce it.

The judge, intrigued, demanded to see the ring. To everyone's surprise, the ring detached itself from the presentation and attached itself to Orion. In a shocking turn of events, the ring spoke to Orion, declaring him as its creator and refusing to be wielded by anyone else.

Embracing the newfound alliance with the ring, Orion requested that it transform into gauntlets and boots. However, the ring revealed its limitation—it could only be used against angels. Realizing the constraints, Orion couldn't help but think he was in a dire situation.

In a moment of introspection, Orion asked the ring how long he had been unconscious. The ring informed him that a week had passed. Determined to make the most of the time granted to him, Orion proposed a deal to the judge. He requested an additional three weeks to live before facing execution.

Shocked by this unexpected plea, the judge hesitated before agreeing to Orion's terms. The military figure, frustrated that they couldn't unlock the ring's potential, expressed his frustration as Orion prepared to endure three weeks of scrutiny and interrogation.

Chapter 5 concluded, leaving readers eager to witness the unfolding events during the additional three weeks granted to Orion and the potential revelations that might come to light during this time.

Chapter 6

Three weeks of relentless interrogation and torture had left Orion battered and bruised, but he remained resolute in his silence. The divine slayer ring's limitations made it nearly impossible for him to comply with the demands of his captors, and the gods' tear could only be wielded in specific ways. As the day of his execution approached, Orion found himself taken to a stage where his demise would be witnessed by an angel from the sky.

In the face of impending death, Orion smiled and activated the divine slayer ring, summoning his gauntlets and boots in the presence of the angel. Seizing the opportunity, he broke free from his chains and launched a surprise attack. However, the angel, formidable and unyielding, blocked Orion's punch effortlessly and tossed him miles away onto a mountain.

As Orion recovered, he realized that the angel had summoned another celestial being to destroy the last stronghold of humanity—the fortress of Gaia. With creation rendered ineffective on the mountain due to the ring's limitations, Orion knew he had to rely on the divine slayer ring to combat the formidable angel. However, this angel was exceptionally strong, and Orion barely managed to avoid damage by developing a barrier.

The battle unfolded with intensity as Orion struggled against the relentless onslaught of the celestial foe. The angel, appearing in front of him in the blink of an eye, delivered a powerful punch, sending Orion even further away.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the clash reverberated through the mountains, Orion found himself at the mercy of an overwhelmingly powerful angel. Is this the end for our hero, or does he have the strength to endure and overcome the celestial threat? The answer lies in the next chapter, where the fate of Orion hangs in the balance, and the struggle for humanity's survival reaches a critical juncture.

Chapter 7

As Orion found himself being tossed around by the overwhelmingly strong angel, he attempted to utilize the powers granted by the gods' tear. The destruction ability, bestowed by the gods' tear, proved ineffective against an opponent of such immense strength.

The ring, sensing Orion's struggle, spoke to him, revealing the reason for his inability to fully utilize its potential. It explained that the lack of physical capabilities comparable to angels or demons hindered Orion's ability to wield the ring to its fullest extent. Despite this revelation, the ring offered an enhancement—increasing Orion's physical capabilities and providing an anti-divine barrier and arrow.

Torn between the limitations of his own human form and the need to confront the celestial threat, Orion decided to use the third ability granted by the gods' tear—God's command. Reluctantly, he issued a command to remove the physical limitations of humans. In an instant, his body twisted and contorted, and he fell to the ground, bleeding out.

The angel, confused by Orion's sudden change, continued to toy with him, unaware that the attack was being held back. However, as Orion rose from the ground, a newfound power surged within him—an energy he had never felt before. Mana, a force previously inaccessible to humans, now coursed through him.

Awakening across the globe, those humans who had not succumbed to enslavement by demons and angels also felt the stirring of this newfound power. As Orion got up, he realized his wounds had miraculously healed, and he found himself covered in a black half-plate armor. With a mere thought, he summoned a black blade into his hands.

Empowered by the gods' tear and the awakening of mana, Orion prepared to face the angel once more. The stage was set for a battle that would determine the fate of humanity.

As the anticipation built, readers were left eager to discover the outcome of Orion's transformation, the extent of his newfound abilities, and the unfolding clash between the empowered human and the celestial foe. The next chapter promised a thrilling continuation of this epic struggle.

With newfound strength coursing through his veins and the dark mana empowering him, Orion dashed towards the bewildered angel. The black half-plate armor clung to his form, enhancing his physical prowess, and the black blade manifested in his hands, ready to be wielded against the celestial foe.

The angel, still recovering from the previous assault, attempted to defend itself, but Orion's movements were swift and precise. He skillfully dodged the feeble attempts of the angel to retaliate, closing in with a speed and agility that defied his previous human limitations.

As the black blade swung through the air, empowered by the dark magic granted by the gods' tear, it found its mark. The blade pierced through the celestial being's defenses, and a surge of dark energy enveloped the angel. In a moment of swift execution, Orion delivered a fatal blow, severing the celestial connection that bound the angel's essence.

The angel's form dissipated, its once formidable presence reduced to nothingness. Orion stood victorious, the echoes of the battle reverberating through the mountainous terrain. The black half-plate armor clung to him like a second skin, a symbol of his newfound abilities granted by the gods' tear.

As the dust settled, Orion looked around, realizing that the awakening of mana had not only empowered him but had also sparked a global awakening among those humans who had resisted enslavement. The newfound strength united humanity in a shared cause, a glimmer of hope in the face of celestial tyranny.

With the angel defeated and humanity rising, Orion's journey was far from over. The gods' tear and the dark magic bestowed upon him held the potential to reshape the destiny of not only himself but the entire world. The next chapter promised a thrilling exploration of the consequences of Orion's triumph and the challenges that lay ahead in this epic tale of divine conflict and human resilience.

Chapter 8

As Orion witnessed the fierce struggle between the awakened humans and the lone angel assaulting Gaia's fortress, a sense of satisfaction filled him. The cannons mounted on the fortress relentlessly fired, keeping the celestial threat at bay. The moment the humans awoke, a wave of determination surged through them. They leaped into action, confronting the angel head-on.

Despite losses, the humans fought valiantly, surprising Orion with their resilience. A victorious smile crept across his face, but the toll of using God's command on such a large scale manifested. The aging effect struck Orion, causing him to age five years in an instant. Tall and with a scruffy beard, he felt the strain of the immense power he had unleashed. Wounds that had healed reopened, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Awakening later, still atop the mountain, Orion found himself on the brink of starvation. Weakened by the toll of his abilities, he ventured into the forest to hunt for sustenance. Approaching a boar with newfound agility, he effortlessly took it down. The exertion, however, took a toll on him, and his once-healed wounds opened once again. As he ate the boar, he improvised a stone knife to trim his beard, resembling his former self but taller.

Recalling the ruins of a village attacked by demons, Orion decided to seek refuge there. Resting among the remnants of another community destroyed by demonic forces, he reflected on his journey. The transformation caused by God's command lingered, marking him not only physically but emotionally.

However, Orion's respite was short-lived. The realization that he remained a fugitive dawned on him. Trusting humans proved challenging, as betrayal lurked at every corner. The only steadfast ally he had was his enslaved sister. Determined to protect her, Orion set out on a quest for survival and understanding in this chaotic world.

As he explored the desolate landscape, Orion noticed a significant improvement in his senses—a side effect of his awakening. Suddenly, his heightened awareness detected the presence of demons. Panic set in as he realized that the divine slayer ring he created wouldn't work against them. Faced with an imminent threat, Orion stood alone, contemplating his next move in this unforgiving world.

Chapter 9

Orion, now a fugitive, carefully navigated through the desolate landscape, evading the demons that hadn't spotted him yet. As he moved stealthily, he came across a cropsman's field with a knife. Seizing the opportunity to arm himself, he took the knife and, in the distance, heard a little girl's scream.

The source of the distress became evident as Orion spotted three demons approaching the terrified child. Despite the instinct to run away, memories of his family's tragic fate surged within him, fueling a burning anger. Orion, driven by a resolute determination, charged at the demons.

In a swift and daring move, he stabbed one demon and swiftly grabbed the girl, racing away from the approaching threats. The mindless demons, humanoid giants with a menacing aura, pursued Orion relentlessly. Seeking refuge, he placed the girl in a hut, urging her to stay inside for safety.

Facing the demons head-on, Orion valiantly attempted to fend them off. However, the relentless assault proved challenging, and he found himself tossed around like a mere plaything. Despite his efforts, one demon managed to bite into his shoulder, inflicting a painful wound. The girl, witnessing the horrifying sight, cowered in fear as the giants approached.

Unyielding, Orion, fueled by a newfound strength awakening within him, targeted the demons' ankles. With an extraordinary display of strength, he tumbled one giant over. However, in the midst of the struggle, another demon seized him and hurled him into a tree with brutal force.

As the giants closed in on the hut, ripping open its roof, the girl faced the imminent threat of being devoured. Orion, undeterred and ignited by a spark within, tapped into the mana that had awakened within him. Using this newfound power, he increased his speed exponentially, charging towards the demons with unparalleled swiftness.

Summoning all his might, Orion plunged the knife into the neck of one demon, temporarily subduing it. Seizing the opportunity, he grabbed the girl and raced away from the remaining giants, determined to ensure her safety. As the distance grew, the demons lost track of their prey, leaving Orion and the rescued girl momentarily free from the relentless pursuit.

The chapter concludes with Orion and the girl catching their breaths in the aftermath of the harrowing encounter. The sparks of mana and the surge of determination within Orion hint at a deeper connection to the awakening forces that could shape his destiny in this tumultuous world.

Chapter 10

Orion, having rescued the young girl Silk from the clutches of demons, engaged in small talk to ease the tension of their harrowing encounter. Discovering that Silk was eight years old, they shared thoughts about the serene view of the lake beside them. To Orion's surprise, Silk revealed her ability to manipulate wind magic, a skill she had possessed for the past four days.

As they conversed about Silk's innate magical talent, Orion marveled at the swift awakening of powers among humans. However, when he asked Silk to teach him, he faced the harsh reality—he, unlike Silk, struggled to harness the mana within him for magical abilities. While Silk could wield her powers effortlessly, Orion found himself limited to enhancing his physical capabilities in short bursts.

Amidst their discussions, Orion sensed the presence of another being—a human with a demonic aura, known as a warlock. Suddenly, the man appeared before them, demanding Silk as his test subject. Orion, angered by the intrusion, was flung away by the warlock's demonic magic. Chains materialized, trapping Orion as the warlock seized Silk and declared his intent to take her to the underworld.

Helpless and bound, Orion watched as the warlock teleported away. However, before the man could escape, one of the demonic giants from their previous encounter swallowed him whole. The remaining demons, seemingly unimpressed by their companion's actions, began chastising him for consuming all the food in one go.

Orion, trapped within the digestive juices of the giant, endured the burns from the acidic environment. Astonishingly, his wounds healed, revealing a resilience granted by his awakening. While he may not have acquired a magical ability, Orion's connection to mana allowed him to enhance various aspects of his regular human capabilities, giving him a unique advantage in the tumultuous world shaped by divine conflict and demonic influence.

As Orion faced the challenges that lay ahead, the mysteries of his awakening and the unfolding journey into the realms of magic and chaos promised a continuation of the epic tale in the chapters to come.