Chapter Melody Time: Maisie and the Pargo (Part Two)

 Natacha's accent was so thick that Maisie repeatedly asked the rudest question ever: "What?" She was making horrible use of the Inclusion key, and it only made her rising anxiety worse.

 After grabbing two yellow-green safety vests for them and keys out of the tracker in the back, Natacha first showed Maisie the All-Star Sports main Custodial closet, where they stored all their supplies. They ran into the other two Trash people.

 They chatted briefly, but Maisie hid in the shadows and only spoke when Natacha inquired, "What size gloves do you wear?"

 "Small." Maisie accepted the box of gloves and waited a little longer until Natacha was ready.

 They went outside to the back dock and approached one of the parked golf carts. Oh, that was what a pargo was! Maisie felt even stupider now.

 Growing up in South Carolina, she was used to heat and humidity but still sweated under the Florida sun. Maisie climbed into the pargo's passenger side, and Natacha took the driver's seat.

 "To start," she explained, pointing at the choke, "put in neutral, let parking break loose, and pull choke." She did all three and twisted the key in the ignition.

 Maisie jumped at the sound of a loud pop.

 "You good?" Natacha said. "Don't be nervous. Trash isn't hard."

 "What about that pop?" Was the pargo going to break down on Maisie before they even left the back dock?

 "That's normal," Natacha answered, putting the pargo in reverse. "Hold on. We go to dumpster first to pick up trailer."

 The dumpster. Of course. Maisie rubbed her forehead and chewed her nails.

 Natacha turned right out of the back dock and headed for a large area at the end of the road. She stopped to let a few Guests cross and bounced over a bump when she entered it.

 There were two green compactors there, a small building, and a few other Trash people driving trailers with six trash barrels on them. Maisie guessed they came from the other All-Star Resorts.

 Natacha passed one of the workers, who was dropping off his trash, and waved at him. They were both from Haiti, so they communicated through Creole, but Maisie also recognized the French word for yes.

 The man glanced at her and popped a query at Natacha.

 "Training," she answered, patting Maisie's shoulder. "She good. Pretty girl. Will do just fine after a little practice."

 Maisie hoped so. She preferred when Natacha spoke shorter sentences. They were easier to understand. The accent was beautiful—she merely wasn't familiar with it. Therefore, most of what she learned that day came from observing vs. listening.

 Soon after Natacha showed Maisie how to put on the trailer (she only understood two of the steps), Feya texted her.

 Hey! How's the first day going? I'm on break.

 "Who's that?" Natacha said, climbing back into the pargo.

 Maisie joined her. "A friend. Feya. She's asking me how it's going so far."

 "Feya? Beautiful name! What does it mean?"

 That was a good question. What did Feya mean? Maisie almost texted her that but went with something else.

 It's going. How's the leg?

 "Sorry," she apologized. "She's injured, so I have to make sure she's okay."

 "You're fine. Friends are important. Just tell me when." Natacha placed her hands in her lap.

 Leg's fine, Feya replied. It's a little sore, but nothing a little break can't fix.

 Sore? When was the last time Feya removed the prosthetic?

 Daisy's keeping an eye on me, so enjoy training. See you later, girl!

 Maisie worried too much. Feya was fine. She put up her phone and apologized again.

 "No need," Natacha mused.

 "I'll ask her what her name means tonight and tell you tomorrow," Maisie returned. According to her schedule, Natacha was her primary trainer for the next two weeks.

 The first half of the shift went by slowly because of all the instructions Natacha gave Maisie.

 Trash 2 gathered trash from Buildings 3, 4, 5, and 6 from the housekeeping closets and took it to the compactors. That was it. It wasn't hard like Natacha said, but Maisie's main concern was driving the trailer after Lunch. Buildings 5 and 6 were tight, and the roundabouts were even tighter. Count in the Engineering pargos, who parked on the roundabouts, too, and it was the best of both worlds.

 During Maisie and Natacha's break, Andy approached Maisie and sat across from her. "Hey, Maisie."

 Uh-oh, Maisie didn't like Andy's tone. God, it was going to happen right there. He was going to sack her in front of all the housekeepers.

 Maisie closed her Elsa and Anna lunch bag and waited for the dreaded words. She swore that the housekeepers stared at her. Nevertheless, what Andy said was different from what she expected.

 "Natacha told me your friend's injured?"

 Hold on! When did Natacha tell him that? That was supposed to be between Maisie and Feya.

 Maisie couldn't lie to her boss and replied, "She is, sir, but she's slowly getting better."

 "If you need to go home earlier today, it's fine," Andy elucidated. "We can fix it on the computer."

 "No, sir, but thank you." Maisie needed to pay the rent. "She's fine. She has her Service Animal with her." Regardless, her anxiety accelerated thinking about Feya. There was no way Maisie would let Daisy stay home with Milo—not when Feya's injury was still fresh.

 Andy stood. "Well, give me, Jadis, or Han a buzz in case you need something."

 "I will, sir." Maisie, though, lied to herself.

 Her anxiety was so high during the second half of the shift that she almost crashed the pargo into a rock behind Building 6.

 "Keep right! Keep right! Keep right!" Natacha sternly stated.

 Maisie parked and burst into tears. "I can't do this!"

 "Yes, you can. Deep breaths, deep breaths." Natacha showed Maisie a quick breathing exercise. She handed her a water bottle.

 Maisie gulped it down and inhaled and exhaled several times.

 Natacha gave her a minute and got the Building 6 trash herself. She ensured the trailer was secure and walked to Maisie's side of the pargo. "You doing better?"

 "A little."

 "This is last round, sweetie. I take you to breakroom soon. Tomorrow will be better."

 By the route the CP had gone down so far, Maisie wasn't sure. However, Natacha followed through with her promise.

 She dropped Maisie off at the breakroom at 5:15.

 Maisie instantly snatched her knapsack and embarrassing lunch box and hovered over the time clock for the last fifteen minutes.

 On her way out, she nearly kicked the wall of the hallway Cast Members passed through behind the bus stop. Maisie threw open the door and slammed it shut. The first thing she saw was Feya, still dressed in her costume, sitting on one of the bus stop's white benches.

 "Feya?" Maisie yelled, startling a few Guests.

 "Oh, hey! You're finally off!" Feya slid off the bench and came within reach of her. "I waited two buses for you, girl!"

 Seriously, would she ever leave Maisie alone? She was not in the mood for Feya right now. To add to the frustration, she asked a horrible question:

 "How was your first day?"

 "It sucked!" Without thinking, Maisie shoved Feya's shoulder and knocked her into the door she had just exited.

 "Ow!" Feya shouted.

 Halfway to the Academy bench, Maisie realized her mistake and whirled around. "Oh my God!" She rushed to Feya. "I'm so sorry, Feya!" She attempted to help her up, but Daisy snarled and leaped in front of her.

 "It's okay, Daisy, it's okay." Feya pulled her back. "It was an accident."

 Daisy still growled.

 It took a little effort, but Maisie managed to help Feya stand. The next time she spoke, her voice was softer. "What are you doing here?"

 "It sounded like you were having a bad day when I texted, so I thought, Why not? We take the same bus home." Feya blushed. "Sorry, I guess I shouldn't have asked you that."

 "No, no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." Maisie embraced her. "I'm glad you're here." She let go and grasped Feya's hands. "Why don't we put this ugly day behind us and go home?"

 Feya grinned. "Sounds good to me. I'm sure Milo misses you."