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Y/n walked through the portal leading to the lust ring and looked around, noticing how a lot of the building was purple as well as sex-related stuff around.
Someone bumped into his back making him fall forward. Y/n quickly used his hands to flip himself back onto his feet. He pushed his hands out while doing so to balance.
He heard someone clapping their hands behind him. He let out a sigh as he turned around to see Charlie there.
Charlie: I'm so sorry about that but that was such a cool flip.
Y/n: yeah even I was surprised to land that. Come on, let's get to the place so we can get spots.
y/n leads the way to the place as they walk to it.
Charlie: So, who is the band playing?
Y/n: I think it was Metallica.
Charlie: What Metallica? I love that band!
Y/n: yeah they're ok, not exactly my type of band. It is kinda sad that they all died from overdose but hey at least they are here with us now.
Charlie: Yeah I used to listen to them all the time when I was younger. But anyway, where will we meet your two friends?
Y/n: they said they would meet us at the entrance to the place.
*somewhere else*
Octavia threw a blanket rope out her window. She popped her head out the window looking down and seeing how far before she started to climb out the window struggling to get through the window because of her outfit. After getting herself through most of the window she grabbed the rope and started climbing down
After climbing down halfway she accidentally let go falling into some bushes.
She blew a leaf away from her face as she stood up wiping the leaves away. She made her way over to the wall looking around for a moment before her eyes landed on a tree. She ran to the tree using one foot to jump off the tree but smacked into the gate wall.
She tried it a few more times not noticing she was being watched from far away. Stolas pulled down his sunglasses watching Octavia mess up to climb the wall he clapped his hands.
Stolas: uh, Impington, what is uh, what is my sweet Octavia doing?
Impington: It seems that she is trying to sneak out, sir.
Stolas: go put up a small trampoline nearby so she could use it.
Impington: very good, sir.
Impington opened the gate, walked down to the store, bought a trampoline, and made his way back. He opened the gate and headed inside. He made sure to close the gate before he walked two feet and placed the trampoline on the floor.
Octavia noticed the trampoline on the floor but not the imp beside it. She placed it down in the right spot.
She took a deep breath and jumped off the tree onto the trampoline, launching herself over the gate. After Octavia disappeared, a loud thump was heard.
*somewhere else*
Loona opens her door to the living room, still trying to fix the collar around her neck,
She started making her way to the door. Blitz was on the sofa eating a bowl full of dog treats.
Blitzo: be safe out there, my little loony.
Loona: Fuck off.
*Back with y/n*
Charlie and y/n had been walking for a while, y/n getting close to the place.
Y/n: I still can't believe you jumped down from the second floor so that vaggie wouldn't hear you.
Charlie: If I had taken the stairs, she would have heard me and made me continue on the script for the TV interview.
Y/n: well, you need to get the hotel out there to bring in sinner.
Charlie: Yeah, it's just that I prefer to do action instead of the paperwork, and I also feel better if I sing because music leads to the heart, after all.
Y/n: why don't you?
Charlie: Well, because you and vaggie think it not a good idea to sing to them about my plan.
Y/n: well look, I have a history of why I'm not a fan of music and I'm only going to this concert because I have Friends who want to go. So just do what your heart desires.
Charlie: what my heart desires huh?
She looked at him for a moment before looking away. A blush on her face as she tries patting it away.
Y/n: Anyway, it looks like we are here.
Charlie: hmm?
Charlie looked up at the building and realized where she was. She turned to y/n and was about to say something but was cut off by two others calling out to him.
Y/n turned and saw Loona walking with Via over to him.
Y/N: Guys, you both made it safe and sound good. What happened to you?
Via: I don't want to talk about it.
Y/N: Oh, huh? Alright, anyway, I like your guy's clothes very differently from your normal ones, especially you via.
(Image here)
Loona wore ripped jeans, which had her skin and fur sticking out because they were tight on her. She also had a pentagram on her chest and some fishnet on her arms.
Loona: Thanks. I just changed my outfit.
Y/n: I can see that loona.
Yn looked over at Via, who was rubbing her shoulders, almost embarrassed by what she was wearing.
(Image here)
Y/n: you alright via?
Via: Yeah, I just never wore anything like this before.
Y/n: oh, then why did you?
Via: It is going to be hot in there, so it is better to have less on than overheat, though the chance of getting touched by random people is much higher.
Y/n: well, hey, if anyone does touch you or anything, you have me and Loona to kick their ass right, Loona.
Loona: fuck yeah, we will.
Y/N: Oh, I almost forgot. I want to introduce you two to my friend who I said wants to join us for this concert.
y/n grabbed Charlie by the shoulder and put her in front of him, showing her off to both of them. Charlie was not expecting him to do that, but she quickly got herself ready before she talked to them.
Charlie: Hi, I'm Charlie. Nice to meet two of y/n friends.
Loona: sup, I'm Loona. This is Octavia, but she prefers to go via.
Charlie looked at Loona for a bit before she looked over at Via.
Charlie: oh my god, are you a hellhound?
Loona: huh, oh yeah, I am.
Charlie: Woah, wait, sorry, my bad for asking you about your race out of nowhere.
Loona: It's okay, but we should get in line if we want to get spots.
Y/n: yeah, you're probably right.
They started going to the corner to see how long the line was. Loona walked slower to talk to y/n.
Loona: Hey, y/n, is she one of the girls you told me about when you got kicked out of your apartment?
Y/n: yeah, she is one of them.
Loona: woah….well, lucky you that you got someone quite hot to take you in.
Y/n: yeah, you're not wrong there. But hey, every girl has their charm, and you do as well.
Y/n went to catch up with Charlie and Via as they talked together, leaving Loona there blushing from what y/n had said.
She thought about it a bit and realized that what y/n had said implied that he had also checked her out.
As they got to the corner and turned to get into the line they all stopped looking at the line.
Y/n: yeah I don't think we will be able to get in with this line hold on let me go ask about the time they've been here.
Loona leaned on the wall as she waited for him.
Y/n walked over to one of the imps that were in line talking to him before he made his way back with the other.
Loona: So what did they say?
Y/n: yeah they've been here since 3.
Octavia looked at the sky and used where the stars were to figure out what time it was.
Via: It's only 3:30.
Y/n: no 3 in the morning.
Charlie: What, they've been waiting for 12 hours!
Loona: Damn it, we won't be able to get in at this rate.
Y/n: via any chance you could use your title to get us in?
She looked at the doorway and saw a hellhound.
Via: no since I'm not 18 I'm not officially someone of royalty since I have no responsibilities past down to me.
Y/n: what really?
Via: people only let me into the place because I have my dad around.
Y/n: oh I was talking about you not being 18 how old are you?
Via: oh I'm 17.
That when y/n heart skipped a beat he almost got a case against him.
While y/n was thinking he felt someone tap his shoulder.
Y/n: hmm? Oh Charlie what up?
Charlie: I think I can get us in.
Y/n: really how?
Charlie: my uncle can probably get us in.
Y/n: your uncle?
Charlie: yeah this place belongs to my uncle
Y/n looked up at the building and saw the name of it.
(Image here)
Y/n: your uncle owns Ozzie's?
Charlie: Yeah, let me quickly call him and see if he can get us in.
Charlie pulled her phone out and walked a few feet away.
Via: hey, y/n, so I couldn't help but notice something about Charlie.
Y/n: hmm, what's up?
Via: I can tell from the aura that comes out of her that she is more complex than she seems. Who is she?
Y/n: oh uh she's Lucifer's daughter.
They both looked at him shocked by what he said.
Loona: You're telling me you are friends with the king of all hell daughter?
Y/n: yep
Loona: And of course, you're not shocked by it.
Y/n: mhm I mean to me she is just like any other person I know she is not that different to you or you know well besides being a bit too nice but yeah.
Charlie walked back over to the group.
Charlie: He said he can get us in, we just have to go through the back.
Y/n: oh alright then let's get to the back of this place.
As the group started making their way to the back of the place without them noticing there was a black shadow watching them with a sinister grin as they walked away.
The four made their way to the back trying not to walk on the drug addict imps that were around.
Y/n was pretty sure some were going at it in a tent. After a few more minutes of walking around the place, they made it a giant door.
Charlie walked up to it and knocked on it. After a few seconds, the normal door to the side opens with an imp clown opening it.
???: Welcome to the Asmus Palace.
Y/n: I didn't know your uncle was an imp, Charlie.
Charlie: no, he probably sent him to help get us in.
The imp led the group through the halls backstage. Seeing behind-the-scenes stuff such as lights and stage lifts.
The imp led them to a room. He opened the door and bent down, bowing a bit pushing his arms out telling them to walk in.
They all walked into the room. Y/n looked around, seeing that many things in the room were much bigger until their eyes landed on one person who looked a lot bigger than everyone else.
He seemed to have flames for a head. He turned to look at the group, almost giving off an intimidating look.
He glared at…. Well, he glared at y/n before that face turned into a more friendly look and opened his arms.
?????: Aw, if it isn't my niece Charlie. Haha, it's been so long. Come here, girl, and hug your uncle.
She walked over and got picked up by the person they both hugged. Charlie could barely even hug his chest.
Charlie: Hey, uncle. Thanks for getting some friends and me in.
???: Of course, girl. What kind of uncle would I be if I couldn't get my niece and her friends in, though? Who is this guy over here?
The clown imp wrapped his arms around y/n and pulled him to the side, almost pointing out precisely to him.
Charlie: That's just y/n. He is a friend of mine.
???: Uh huh, what kinda of relationship is that?
Charlie: We are just friends.
???: good look, I know I'm the lust sin, but your father would kill me if I knew that you're in a relationship.
Charlie: Trust me.
He looked at her momentarily before sighing and placing her back on the ground.
???: Fine. Anyway, I've got you and your friends a private booth so you can watch from above. It is going to be packed.
Charlie: Thank you so much.
???: It's no problem now. Have fun, alright, and enjoy the show. We don't hold them that often here.
She nodded as she walked out with Loona and via following, but as y/n was about to walk out, the clown imp blocked the way, shaking his finger.
???: the big man still wants to talk to you.
Y/n: oh, uh, ok.
Y/n turns back at the big man.
???: I just want to say that if you do anything, and I mean anything, to hurt Charlie, me and the other sins will fuck you up. Do I make myself clear?
Y/n: oh, uh yes sir.
???: good now, Fizzarolli. Please take our guest to the room.
fizzarolli: yes Ozzie
He saluted him before walking through the door, which y/n followed behind him.
They rejoined the group fizzarolli, who led them to a room.
fizzarolli: Now then, ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all enjoy the show.
He closed the door as he left, leaving the group by themselves.
There was a food bar to the side, and in front of them was an opening to the stage below. The room looked packed below.
Y/n: Man, Ozzie went all out for you, Charlie.
Charlie: I know, right? He got us such good spots.
Y/n looked around and noticed they still had some time before the shows started, so he leaned against the wall, waiting.
Loona walked over to him.
Loona: hey y/n
Y/n: oh hey, loona, what's up?
Loona: Just waiting, you?
Y/n: same.
Loona: Hey, Blitzo wants you to come over tomorrow for a tour of the place so you can decide about getting a job with us.
Y/n: Oh yeah, I should be able to do it.
Loona: nice…. I think you should take up the offer so we can hang out more while we work together.
Y/n: yeah, that would be up to that.
Her tail swung left and right, like a dog happy to receive affection.
Loona: well…I'm going to get something to eat.
Y/n: alright
After a while, there was an announcement that they were about to begin, so the group went to the railing to watch the show.
The lights turned off before a green smoke appeared, and the clown imp Fizzarolli emerged.
Fizzarolli: Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're ready for the show we've got for you today. It took a lot of drugs to get them to agree, but they are here out of retirement for this one show now. Please give applause to the one and only Metallica.
He shot his hand, pulling himself away from the stage, and the band rose.
They started playing music, and the crowd below started jamming out.
Y/n: See, Charlie's music does work on the people; it just needs to be done at the right time.
She looked back down, watching the imp, hellhound, and other creatures loving the music.
Y/n looked over at Via and noticed that she was rubbing her shoulder again, but it didn't look like she was embarrassed by her dress. She looked cold.
Y/n took off his jacket and put it onto her shoulders.
She looked at it for a moment before looking at y/n. He gave her a simple smile.
She pulled up the jacket to her face, covering her blush.
The group spent the night listening to the music and dancing with each other but y/n chose not to do that, letting only Charlie, Loona, and Via dance with each other.
He couldn't do it again, not again he just couldn't. He tried closing his eyes but it just took him back…. Back to prom night. He tried to calm himself down to the best he could.
Opening his eyes seeing where he was. Thankful back to real-life stuff.
The rest of the night went without a hitch for the most part when they made it back to the hotel someone was waiting for them there.
They both walked into the hotel, trying not to make much noise. Y/n noticed that the lights were off, but then they suddenly switched on, revealing vaggie.
They both stopped their movements. Before y/n thought about it and threw his hands up. He started to walk to his room.
Charlie: eh, y-y/n, where are you going
Y/n: you're the one in trouble, not me, so yeah sucks to be you.
He closed his door, leaving Charlie alone before slowly she slowly looked at vaggie.
Charlie: h-hey vaggie how are you doing?
Word count 3023