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Vaggie was standing next to Charlie as she was preparing her for her interview.
Vaggie: ok you remember what to say right?
Charlie: of course I do vaggie you and y/n made sure I was ready for this.
Vaggie: ok then go up there and do it like we showed you.
Charlie: got it.
Charlie took a deep breath as she walked over to the cardboard desk.
Angel looked at her as she walked over to her. She grabs the script and looks down at it. She gave vaggie a side eye as vaggie moved her hand, saying to keep going.
Angel: "sigh" cough, cough well hello there Charlie Lucifer daughter we are soooooo happy that you can make it god fucking dam it this script fucking sucks ass vaggie.
Vaggie: keep going angel.
Angel: Fine " coughing" Now then Charlie tell us why you came here today.
Charlie: Ahem well as you said my name is Charlie and today I have come to you my people about a project I have been working on for a while now.
Angel: So what is this project of yours?
Charlie: Huh well ever since I was young I always believed in you my people that in every one of you, there is just a bit good in each of you whether you want to admit it or not.
Angel: Pause I'm sorry but who in their right mind would say something like that like girl you have to put some Feist in what you're saying.
Vaggie: Angel as we talked about before we can't force people to come here.
Angel: just give me a minute with the other sinners and I'll get them coming in here in more places than one.
Angel had a smug look on her face as she made a jerking motion with her hand.
Charlie: uh as much as I appreciate you being able to make people come here I don't think that right way.
Vaggie: Charlie you have to tell her straightforward. angel they must come here on their own not because you can just jerk them off.
Vaggie was grabbing her upper nose bridge. Taking a moment to calm down.
Vaggie: Can we just continue?
Charlie: I think we should take a break just so everyone can calm down a tiny bit. Just saying we need it right now.
Vaggie: I love how you care about are well beings really but we are doing this for you so you have the best chance at your interview Tomorrow.
Charlie's eyes sparkle at vaggie from seeing how much she cares about her and her whole idea.
Charlie: aw vaggie if I hadn't said it before thanks so much for doing this I know you didn't have a reason after all you've only been in hell for about a month or so but still thanks for doing this with me.
Vaggie: yeah it's no problem or anything
She looked to the side not wanting to look at her eyes. She was already feeling guilty enough.
Angel: alright you know I have been sitting here for a bit already and just saying kiss for fuck say it hard watching you both being slightly lovey-dovey.
Charlie:" Blushing" Oh no it is not like that angel we are just close friends that is all.
Vaggie: y-yeah we are just friends that is all.
Angel: hehe whatever you say.
Vaggie: "Sigh" alright besides what she just said. Fine, we can take a break.
Angel: thank the ever-living god I need a break from this bullshit outfit that I have no idea where you got it from and for some reason, it has the smell of desperate need of sex on it.
Charlie: uh that was a bit too much information angel. Ok, I'm going to be out on the balcony if anyone needs me.
She walked away from the group doing exactly as she said she would do. Vaggie looked around for a moment just noticing they were missing someone.
Vaggie: uh where y/n?
Angel: uh snookums? I passed by him earlier when I was heading up here. He was working on something.
Vaggie: alright well I'll go get him, we usually seem to get along better when he is around.
Angel: "acts shocked" vaggie! You really want to have a Foursome right now you didn't even give me a warning or time to prepare. But if it is with y/n I can make an exception
A spear hit the wall just next to her just barely missing her head.
Angel: Come on, don't get your panties in a twist hun.
Vaggie didn't respond to her she just flipped her off as she left the room heading down to the lobby.
y/n was in the small kitchen making his usual coffee just relaxing when he noticed vaggie coming down the stairs.
y/n: oh hey vaggie how is it going up there?
Vaggie: not great I can't get Angel to stick to the script or even stay focused on it and Charlie is just being Charlie.
She sat down at the table that was in the kitchen area. y/n poured her a cup of his coffee and passed it to her.
Vaggie: thanks
y/n: hey it's no problem.
She took a sip of it feeling slightly more energized and relaxed. She looked down at the coffee mug that was in between her hands.
Vaggie: how do you always make it taste so good?
Y/n: uhhhh
Rick: Come on y/n just crush up the drugs like that.
Y/m did as he asked, crushing the piles up into dust. He bent down and sniffed up some of it.
y/n: holy shit Im so fucking high right now I see like two and two more after then oh shit they are combining into a fish what the hell.
Rick: That's how you know this is the good shit Morty! Keep killing those fuckers while me and y/n finish these drugs.
Morty: uh Rick can't we be doing this someplace safer?
Rick: shut the fuck up, Morty.
Y/n: "Coughing" Alright now what.
Y/n moved his hand in front of his face seeing a rainbow following his handrail.
Rick: h-hold on give me a second… alright let do some weird science shit
He grabbed the powder and converted it into a liquid and put it into a syringe.
He gave it to y/n who was looking at it confused.
Rick: ok, ok now then just stick it into a what the fuck was it called oh yeah into the coffee beans.
Y/n nodded at him as he stuck the needle into a coffee bean fill it as much as he could with his….secret sauce.
The two worked on the coffee beans that they had filling them up as y/n took a moment to look at Morty seeing him whining like a little bitch.
Y/n: So this is how you make the coffee beans taste so good?
Rick: That right y/n I poured enough drugs into them beans there so much that it could kill a cow.
Rick: Now come on, let's finish this and get you back into that shit hole of a place you call hell.
Y/n stared blankly at her which was making vaggie a bit nervous.
Vaggie: you alright y/n?
Y/n: yeah, yeah don't worry about it. Let's just say I have some really good coffee beans.
She just shrugged her shoulders as she took another sip of it.
Vaggie: So why have you been down here the whole time while we were practicing?
Y/n: oh I was making my coffee for the group to help everyone stay focused and while I was at it I was putting up the decorations for tomorrow.
She looked around not seeing anything different.
Vaggie: where are the decorations then?
Y/n grabbed a bag that Vaggie couldn't see as it was behind the counter.
Y/n: while my coffee was being made I took a quick trip to the nearest store and got some of these.
He opened the bag showing some of the stuff inside.
Vaggie: not bad.
Y/n: thanks I also got this little banner that we can work on together after practice.
Vaggie: You know sometimes I wonder how you belong here, you don't seem like a horrible person.
Y/n: oh huh well you know I just did something that gave me a sin that's all. So anyway you said practice was not going great?
She noticed how he was trying to change the subject of the topic. But decided to go along.
Vaggie: It's just that everything is not going great Charlie not taking it seriously and Angel is as well.
Y/n: well you know how Angel can be sometimes. If you want I can replace her for your guy's practice.
Vaggie: You sure?
Y/n: yeah why not it not like I got anything better to do. Now as for Charlie, you have to remember vaggie. She is doing this because she wants to believe in the good in us. But for you vaggie you seem like you push a bit too hard on her.
Y/n: she knows what she needs to do. It would be better to just let her go with the flow.
Vaggie: So you think I need to relax a little?
Y/n: exactly listen vaggie I know you care about Charlie more than you're letting on but she is the kind of person who would keep on going no matter what people say she will do her own thing whether we want to or not. So just giving her advice and being there for her is the best thing we can do.
Vaggie: "Sigh" Yeah you're right I have been pushing her hard to focus on this when she is doing it out of the goodness of her heart.
Y/n: see now then how about we go on up with the others?
Vaggie: I'm going to stay down here for a bit. I can get started on that banner.
Y/n: alright I'll see about getting the others to come down.
Y/n put the three coffee mugs on a tray as he started heading upstairs.
He was making his way upstairs when he saw a black cat on the railing walking over to him.
She hopped off and landed on his head sitting in between his ears.
Y/n: oh hey keekee
Its long tail wrapped around his neck as he started purring on his head. He gave her a few rubs on his head while he was still making his way to the room.
Y/n made his way to Charlie's room heading inside and saw Angel lying down on Charlie's bed.
She perked up as she heard his footsteps coming over.
She lay on her side trying to make herself look more attractive.
Angel: hey snookums you ready to finally give me my pounding that I have been waiting for?
Y/n: Hahah No.
Angel: can't blame a girl for trying.
Y/n: coffee?
Angel: oh yeah sure thanks.
She grabbed the cup taking a few sips as she grabbed something from her pocket pulling it out it was her phone.
Y/n got a glimpse at her phone seeing around 800 messages.
Y/n: geez who is texting you that much?
Angel: oh that's just Valentino he's been blasting my phone all day he wants me to head back to work and "sigh" he's right I have to go.
Y/n: Man that fucking sucks.
Angel: yeah but there is nothing I can do. I'm stuck doing it because of my contract. He is going to make me go through.
Y/n: well hey just remember if he does anything to you I can fuck him up for you. Like how I made him scared last time.
Angel: thanks a lot y/n but don't worry about me I have been dealing with his shit a lot longer than I like to admit.
Y/n: well just know I'm always here if you need my help.
Angel: thanks a lot y/n especially for caring about someone like me….hey would you give me your number?
Y/n: huh oh yeah sure
She passed him her phone. He typed in his number before passing it back to her.
Angel: thanks just in case I need you or anything.
Y/n: yeah that fine
Y/n: anyway hey so would you be interested in helping with making a sign for tomorrow's grand opening?
Angel: doing an activity for kindergartners...sure why not?
Y/n: yeah it's down in the lobby vaggie is working on it.
Angel suddenly had a smug look.
Angel: hehe I'm going to draw a little image of her on the sign with something she wishes she had.
She hopped off the bed and made her way out of the room.
Y/n just shook his head as he got the tray and made his way over to the balcony.
Opening the door he took a couple of steps forward as Charlie noticed him coming over.
She was leaning over the railing looking out at the city.
Y/n walked over to her and grabbed a mug offering it to her.
She looked at it, grabbed it, and took a sip as she was enjoying the view.
Y/n: So what are you up to out here?
Charlie: just enjoying the view of the entire pentagram that is all.
Y/n: Are you nervous about tomorrow?
Charlie: Just feeling a lot of pressure from vaggie feels like I need to live up to what she feels I should be doing.
Y/n: I already talked to her about that.
Charlie: really?
Y/n: yeah she realized she has been putting a lot of pressure on you and she said she will calm down on that.
Charlie: That's good to hear. I just don't want to let her down…you as well.
Y/n: me as well how come?
She took a deep breath in as she turned to look at him.
Charlie: It's just that even though we have angel you feel more like a sinner who is interested in what I want to do. I've been watching you and you show signs of what a person who can be redeemed.
Charlie: if I can't make this work out then you will leave and you will lose a chance at being able to be redeemed.
She seemed like she was really sad about that whole idea of her plan not working out. She was looking down.
Keekee, who was resting on his head, stood up and jumped off his head and onto Charlie's shoulder rubbing against her face.
Charlie places her hand on keekee, rubbing her face. She got spooked when she felt y/n place his hand on her face and she looked up at him.
Y/n: hey come on Charlie a sad face doesn't suit you. You need to keep that smile you always have….after all, a smile is a powerful weapon.
Her face was almost as bright as a red tomato and her breath became slower and more heavy as she felt the heat coming off his hands.
Y/n: I really don't deserve such praise from you after all I'm not the only one you also have vaggie.
Charlie: yeah but there is something about you that just seems better, more kinda heart.
Y/n: no really I don't deserve such praise.
Y/n: But Charlie, you shouldn't worry so much about something that hasn't happened yet, it like saying I'm worried that I would end up homeless when I'm still a kid.
Y/n: you're worrying about something that has yet to happen. You just need to keep walking forward through the bad and make the most out of the situation.
Y/n: now as I said before I don't know if a sinner can be redeemed I don't but the only way we can see is if we keep trying right?
Charlie: yeah you're right we just need to keep trying
A smile started to appear on her face after hearing what y/n had to say. She slowly raised her hand and placed it on his face that was still on her face.
Y/n: one final thing Charlie just be yourself out there for your interview do it your way the way you want to do it.
Charlie: thanks y/n you always know what to say when I need to hear it.
Y/n: hehe this is one of the few times we even talk to each other when it's just us.
Charlie: yeah…. you're right.
She slowly looked around the place, her heart beating fast. Was she really about to do this?
She looked back at his face, feeling her face heating up.
She slowly inched her face closer to hers just a few inches away from his face.
Y/n suddenly pulled away causing her to be caught off guard.
Charlie: huh?
Y/n: come on, the others are waiting for us they already got started on the banner for the grand opening of your hotel.
Charlie: oh right.
Charlie walked ahead of him y/n was standing there for a moment just watching her leaving first.
He looked down at his hand gripping it.
He really didn't deserve the praise she was giving him, especially what just happened right now.
She was definitely about to kiss him. He couldn't let that happen after all, he didn't want someone to be attracted to him just because of that thing from that deal he made.
Y/n took a deep breath in as he walked in not knowing he was being watched by a flying camera watching him.
*somewhere else*
???: So what you're telling me is this guy right here was the one to embarrass you like that.
Val: yes that fucker right there he can't get away for what he did to me.
???: "sighs" Don't worry he won't after all if one of us gets disrespected we all do so we need to teach this guy a lesson.
???: don't worry about a single thing Val. I'll take care of it just to make sure your little angel is working again after all this plan won't work without her.
Val: that bitch won't know what hit her once I'm done with her we will fuck him as well.
???: just stay calm Val I can't do anything if you're all hot-headed about it.
Val: don't worry voxy as long as we get that prick I'll be a good boy for you as long as it takes.
Vox: good
*back at the hotel*
The two goats had the welcome sign in their hands flying up to a weird place.
Y/n was not fully sure why this thing was here it looked like it was for a bar but who was he to judge?
Charlie: a bit more to the left, no I mean the right.
The goats were doing the best that they could getting confused and mixed up.
Y/n came walking over with some balloons placing them down next to the bar-looking thing.
Y/n: ok hold on a minute why are we opening this place tomorrow when this place looks like a train wreck?
He kinda forgot that the place looked that bad. There were boxes around and some rooms were closed off with wood planks blocking the door.
Charlie: because the faster we open the more people we can save and also we can work on cleaning the place up as time goes on.
He just shrugged as he walked over to do something else. afterwards the two goat were done they looked at each other.
Y/n: Nice job guys we did great.
Vaggie: This doesn't look so bad now.
Charlie: That's the spirit vaggie.
Vaggie: Hey Charlie, are you ready to do that interview again? You can do whatever you want just try to be relaxed.
Charlie: Sure thing vaggie I can do that.
While that was happening Angel was in the back getting smothered by her fat nuggets pig.
Word count 3370