Millie’s family

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Y/n lay in his bed, twisted and turned, trying to forget his little outburst from a few days ago.

He felt horrible after slipping up like that. He just.... couldn't handle seeing people from his past.

That was the whole reason he had stayed in his apartment since before. Stay somewhere secluded, away from other sinners.

He ruined their lives. Who knows what they could have done with them, but thanks to him he ended their lives just like that.

If only he didn't. He let out a sigh before closing his eyes, trying to sleep.






While trying to sleep, he heard the sounds of a car driving close to the hotel, which was strange, seeing as the hotel is soundproof for whatever reason.

Suddenly, y/n was sent across the room, smashing into the wall, as a black van burst through the wall and into his room.

Y/n weakly got up, staring at the van before whoever was driving it lowered their window and popped their head through it.

Blitzo: Y/n! Get your ass in the van. We are going on an adventure!

He waved his hand above his head when he said that, as if a rainbow would appear.

Y/n blinked for a moment and shook his head.

Y/n: N-No

Blitzo pointed his gun towards him.

Bilzø: I swear to satan, if you don't get your ass in here right this minute, I'll send you to the fucking soul to the darkness.

Y/n blinked at him, like a lizard.

Y/n: okay, I'm coming.

Suddenly, the other window to the van lowered as Millie popped out.

Millie: haha, that's what she said!

Y/n walked over the rubble of what used to be his wall, headed over to the side of the van, and hopped inside.

After which, Bilzø put the van in reverse, pulling out of the broken wall and driving away. Into the sunset like a happy ending to a movie

A few minutes pass as Vaggie bursts through y/n door with her spear ready to attack.

She was wearing her old outfit, a simple redesign of a y/n shirt that had somehow become a dress in the few days since she had changed into her new, more professional outfit.

Charlie was standing behind vaggie, looking over her shoulder, concerned about what was happening in y/n's room.

She could see pieces of debris scattered all around the room and the giant opening in the wall, especially.

Charlie: Do you see y/n anywhere? Is he alright?

Vaggie's eyes scanned the room, ultimately, trying to find any hint of where y/n was. Eventually, she stood her spear up.

Vaggie: I don't see him anywhere, char.

Charlie: He's not?!

She pushed past vaggie to search around the room. Vaggie walked after her and placed her hand on Charlie's shoulder.

Charlie looks back at vaggie in a nervous way.

Vaggie: Look, Char, don't worry. He will be fine, and this note seems to say he is fine as well.

Vaggie revealed she had picked up a note in the rubble as Charlie grabbed it, looking it over.

It read, " I'm taking your man toy, you lesbian ladies. Don't worry, you will have your sex toy back in a few days. So just go back scissoring each other for a few days or whatever lesbians do."

Charlie lowered the paper, looking back at vaggie

Vaggie: quite a way to say that he will be fine.

Charlie looked down for a moment before placing her hand on her hip.

Charlie: Do I really give off that energy?

*sometime later and back with y/n*

Y/n was leaning against the door, simply staring off into the distance of the red sky.

Y/n: So what is the moon harvested festival?

Millie popped over from her seat to look back at y/n.

Millie: It is only the best festival in my hometown. Where you show just who the strongest imp around is!

Y/n: shit, your hometown mill?

Millie: yeah, I know we are actually staying with my paw and Mam

Y/n: dam, that's pretty cool. What are they like?

Millie: oh, you know they are like family.

Y/n: Have you met her family, Blitzø?

Blitzo: No, I can't say that I have, but I do know they will be just as badass as Millie's here.

Millie: aw, you don't have to.

Y/n looked across from him at Loona, who was awfully quiet compared to her usual self.

Y/n: you alright loona?

Loona: huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, why do you ask?

Y/n: you're just being less talkative than you usually are.

She looked down for a moment, thinking back to what she saw a few days ago of Via and y/n "hanging out". Her eyes looked back at him.

Loona: It's nothing, alright, just stay off my back, would you?!

Y/n: oh...uh yeah okay.

Blitzo: don't take it personally, y/n. She is just in her heat seas-

Loona: shut it Blitzo!

Blitzo: Alright, my sweet baby loonie.

Loona: agh!

She crossed her arms over her chest and turned away from y/n direction.

Y/n never once thought about what it's like for hellhounds when in heat, and well, he found out.

They were basically like your average teenager hating the world more than they usually do.

But the only difference is that Loona has been stuck with it for all her life, and well, if she was in heat, then that means...

He glanced at her, seeing that her face was slightly red, she was sweating slightly, and she was breathing erratically harder than normal. She was glancing back at him as well.

Her outfit consisted of black shorts with a red rip at the end of them. She was wearing an open red striped flannel with a black crop top underneath.

While Loona appeared to be in a pissed-off mood, her tail was wagging.

Y/n chuckled at the scene before him as he focused on something else.

Y/n: so besides that, why are we actually going for the moon festival since you mentioned earlier that we had a job, but I was too tired to give a fuck about it.

Blitzo: well, first fuck you, and seco-

Millie:" Teasingly." We are going because his boyfriend wanted him there to protect him.

Blitzo: ehhhh, basically that, except we are more like transaction partners.

Millie: uh huh, sure you are.

She made a fingering motion with her hands.

While they had been driving for some time, only then did y/n notice something.

Y/n: Are we still missing Moxxie?

While he couldn't tell what was on Millie's face since she was looking forward again, she seemed to curl up a bit as she seemed to duck her head down out of his eyesight.

Blitzo: who knows where fuck he is.

Millie: We think we might have left him back in the human world, so Blitzo is planning a mission to find him.

Blitzo: Yeah, and well, maybe we can do a few jobs while we are at it, you know, simply stuff. We should be in and out pretty fast, and in no way will anything bad happen.

Y/n: that feels like foreshadowing.

Blitzo: Well, gang, we are finally here.

Almost in an instant the mood switched from a bit of a sappy kind to a more happier tone as Millie was almost jumping on her seat before the van stopped, and bolted out of the van.

Blitzo: Well, let's see what kind of parents made such a badass woman.

Y/n nodded as he opened his door and walked out, taking in the scenery.

There were rocks. He looked in the opposite direction, and there were ....more rocks.

He just shrugged his shoulders. What was he expecting to find in the countryside?

But to be more specific, there were rocks, cacti, a wood fence, and a pretty nice-looking house.

He walked in the direction that Millie ran to, which was only a few feet ahead.

Y/n stood beside Loona as she was just going through her phone.

Y/n: So, did Blitzo make you come here, or was it of your free will?

Loona: What do you think?

Y/n; probably forced.

Loona: Correct, you get a cookie.

Y/n: you have a cookie?

Loona: fatass

Y/n: dam... not as if I heard that before.

Y/n crossed his arms and looked away from Loona

She looked down, thinking about what she just said to him. As her eyes glanced back at him.

It seemed like he took her words to heart from how he looked agitated by what she said.

Loona: agh stop being sad..... I'm sorry, I didn't mean just....I'm not thinking straight, y/n so don't take anything I say too seriously.

Y/n smiled a little at her apology.

Y/n: yeah, don't worry. I get it. Your hormones are high as fuck, so everything just makes you slightly agitated towards everything.

Loona: yeah... that.

Y/n: it feels like it's been forever since you and I talked.

Loona: You don't say.

Y/n: hey, so how is it going with that black werewolf?

Loona: that fucking racist

Y/n: oh, you can just fuck off.

The two laugh together at their little back and forth conversation.

Loona: eh, you know it's going ....okay.

Y/n: oh nice.... So you're going to hit that?

Loona almost choked on her saliva at his comment.

Loona: What the hell, who starts a conversation like that?

Y/n: I know a man; trust me, he says much worse stuff. But for real, I noticed how you were last time.

Loona: "Sigh" n-No, he has a girlfriend.

Y/n: damn well I'm sure you will find someone eventually.

He went to place his hand on her shoulder, and as his hand made contact with her body. Her eyes widened as she felt a burning sensation spike throughout her body.

She jumped back a few feet.

Y/n looked at her confused about the sudden jumpiness.

Loona: don't just suddenly touch me like that.

Y/n: oh, uh, sorry about that.

She stayed back from him, her eyes sticking on him the entire time.

They were like that for a few minutes before y/n heard his name being called out.

Millie: y/n! Come here and meet my mother and father!

Y/n made his way over to Millie, standing beside two other imps who looked different from the usual ones he would see around the ring.

Now that they were out and about, y/n was finally able to take in Millie's outfit.

She was wearing a more Western outfit than her usual tight black one. She had short shorts with a ripped part on the side of her upper thigh.

She had a midriff with a skinny shirt that covered her chest while she was also wearing a ripped-up flannel.

Next to her were a rip imp and an older female-looking imp.

??: Well, I'll be. I haven't seen one of your kind since I visited the pride ring.

He should have known he was going to get a racist remark from an old cowboy-looking imp.

Y/n: Hey there, sir. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Millie: oh, come y/n, you don't need to be so formal.

???: Well, wait a moment, Millie. Meeting someone with formality is always a welcoming change of pace.

Millie: This is my mother here, and this is my father.

Millie's father: Hey, where's that toothpick of a boyfriend you're dating or whatever?

Millie looked excited for a moment before realizing the other half of the conversation they had just had.

Millie: he's out, you know, on business.

Millie's father: well, at least he is doing something instead of being one of those stay-at-home wife husbands. Heck, I bet you he wouldn't last a day with his frail body. Speaking of which, you should meet our new worker, we just hired. Striker, get on over here!!

Suddenly, there was a theme song playing in the distance. A tall, slim, pale red color imp riding a pretty badass horse came riding over before stopping a few feet away.

Striker: well, howdy y'all, nice to meet you all. Well, I'll be you, must be Mildred.

He hopped off and started walking over to Millie.

Striker: I heard many great things about you from your folks. What are you all doing down here? Is freelance work slow since you know it is free?

Millie: Oh, freelance isn't, eh, never mind.

Y/n walked over and got in between the two conversations.

Y/n: hey, don't I know you from somewhere?

Striker: don't you know you shouldn't interrupt people's conversation?

There was a hint of hatred towards him in his tone, but y/n simply shrugged it off because he was already well acquainted with people who engage in fake acts.

Millie: Have you seen him before?

(image here)

Y/n grabbed at his chin in a thinking position.

Y/n: holy shit, your Norman Reedus, aren't you?

Striker looked at him confusedly, like this person was the dumbest person in the world.

Striker: You're confusing me for someone else.

Y/n: Yeah, you're probably right; it's just that your voice sounds so much like him.

Striker: who the hell even are you?

Millie: Well, this is y/n our friendly sinners.

Striker: sinner, huh? I thought your kind can't leave the what the fuck was it called... oh yeah, the pride ring.

Y/n: I have no idea why I can leave, but it must be because built differently....was that corny

He looked back at Millie as she was doing a wobbly balance hand, showing it was meh.

Millie's father: Haha, that's what I'm talking about. There's nothing like some good old tension. How about you two boys sign up for the moon harvest games?

Striker: you know what, sir? That sounds like a good idea. Oh wait, our "friendly" sinner here can't, only imps are allowed.

Blitzø: Hey, who the hell is trying to start a fight with my employee? Because if you fight him then you fight me!

Striker looked him up and down for a moment before smirking a bit.

Striker: hey, don't I know you, uh ah! That's right. You're the one who started his own business, right?

Blitzø: oh, uh, well, I don't want to gloat or anything, but maybe I am.

Y/n just walked away from the whole conversation, tired of this striker guy. He was too well acquainted with these types of assholes.

Pretend to be a nice, chill guy.

But in reality, they are just horrible pricks with a fake ass act.

Y/n sighed as he noticed a person near a hog pin leaning over slightly with an arc in their back.

They were about the same height as Blitzø, maybe slightly taller. They had horns protruding from her head and a white slash on their right eye.

They also had slick black hair that covered one of her eyes.

She wore sleeveless black turtlenecks that were ripped up, giving them a crop top, short shorts, and black ripped leggings.

Y/n rubbed his hands, planning his devious plan of attack.

He walked over towards her and was about to say something when she spoke up first.

???: bold of you to try flirting something up with someone you just met. And before you try, just to know I'm transgender. So if we fuck I'm doing the fucking.

....y/n looked towards the author.

Y/N: Is this where you draw the line? Did you really decide to keep them the same but change the gender of angel dust?

The author just shrugged and flipped him off.

Y/n just sighed and grasped his nose bridge.

Y/n: well, thanks for telling me before my manhood was shattered.

???: Of course, now then, stranger, what can I do for you?

Y/n: Well, I didn't want to stay over there during their weird conversation.

Y/n glances back towards the others.

Blitzø: and that when I grab his head and shove it deep into that ass of his.

Striker: "Chuckle" You really know how to shove it to the man.

Y/n turned back towards the imp.

Y/n: so I take it

???: you bet your sweet ass I'm part of this family, even if I don't exactly give off the same feelings as my sister over there.

Y/n: So, what is your name?

???: Oh, sorry, how could I forget to introduce myself. Daddy raised me with manners to talk to you, sinner.

Y/n: really, he did?

???: yeah, he sure did. Something about if you mess with the wrong sinner, then your fucked since you people can just come back even after death.

Y/n: Well I wouldn't worry since all sinners are trapped in the pride ring.

???: Then how are you here, Mr?

Y/n: honest answer is no fucking idea

??: Huh, well, anyway, I'm Sallie May. It's nice to meet a sinner. Haha, I guess in a way, you popped my sinner cherry.

Y/n: haha, what the fuck is a sinner cherry?

Sallie: Oh come on, how can you not know what a sinner cherry is?

Y/n was starting to wonder if he made the right choice to talk to Millie's sister.

Striker: Hey, sinner man thing.

Y/n: hm?

Their talk was interrupted abruptly by Striker as he walked over with a knife and rope in hand.

He had a smug look plastered all over his face. Striker narrowed his gaze at him.

Striker: I think we got off the wrong foot, pal, so how about we see what you're made of and help kill this hog here for dinner

He handed y/n the knife and rope. Y/n eyes lingered on Striker before scoffing at him.

The others came over to watch the show as Blitzø came over with Loona walking just a few feet behind as Blitzø pulled y/n over towards him.

Blitzø: Alright, y/n. You got this. It's time to show them what someone of your caliber can do.

Y/n: Wow, that was really encouraging.

Blitzø: haha, that's what I do, but just remember one thing.

Y/n listened closely to what he had to say.

Blitzø: just don't fuck up because everyone you know, your mother, father, friends, and family will know how much of a failure you are in life.

Y/n didn't respond to Blitzø's prep talk as he pulled away from him. It looked like the talk encouraged him.

He walked over to the fence, hopped over it, and started going to the hog.


Loona had her phone pointed toward y/n, recording the event.

Millie: Be careful out there, Y/n!

Blitzø: that right shows them what I.M.P stands for!

Striker's eyes followed y/n closely. A smug grin was all over his face.

He was ready to watch the sinner mess up so bad that he would be able to swoop right in and make himself look great.

Y/n lowered himself to the ground, almost like he was about to do a push, as he raised his right hand, making his claws appear.

Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, y/n vanished as the hog's neck would be cut open with blood gushing out everywhere.

Millie's father: hahah damn straight, that's how you get shit done!

Loona: fuck, that was pretty hot.... Oh wait fuck no, I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Blitzø: hm did you say something loona?

Loona: Nothing!

Millie hopped over and jogged over towards y/n to make sure he was alright.

As she got closer, she noticed him grabbing his wrist like he was trying to calm down.

Y/n turned around, surprised to see Millie standing there so close to him without his ears picking up on her footsteps.

Y/n: Oh hey, mill, what are you doing here?

Millie: I was just coming over to check in with you. Are you okay? You seemed kind of uncomfortable.

Y/N: Yeah, no, I'm good. I just need to let off some steam after having some stressful days recently.

Millie: "Laughing " isn't that relatable, but if you say you're good, then there is nothing to worry about. Just know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here!

Y/n: yeah, I will keep that in mind... thanks.

Millie's father: Hey, sinner man, do you know how to skin hogs?

Y/n: I can't say that I have, sir.

Millie's father: Well, come on over here and help us move this bad boy inside, and maybe I can teach you a thing or two about skinning some animals.

Mille: woah, y/n my paw like you, he hasn't even gotten this friendly with Moxxie yet.

Y/n: you think it's a good thing?

Millie: Of course it is. It means he has already warmed up to you.

Y/N: Well, I better go and help them if I want to stay on his good side.

Y/n walked over to help the imps to lift the hog. While Millie stood there watching the whole thing.

She let out a sigh before softly smiling at them.

Blitzø: so "chewing"? Have you fuck him yet?

Millie: Blitzø!

Blitzø: what?

Millie: "Sigh" I'm.... Not sure at the moment.

Blitzø: why?

Millie: Well, because Moxxie isn't here.

Blitzø: "Raise an eyebrow." Really, I thought that would be for the better.

Millie: No, what I mean is I'm too nervous about Moxxie even to be thinking about that.

Blitzø: Well, you know what I do when I'm worried about something like that?


Blitzø: sex mills lots and lots of sex.

Millie: Really, Blitzø?

Blitzø: I mean, you know, after doing the deed, you have that small moment where you can think straight, and it's great for relieving stress.

Millie: So, to feel better I should have sex?

Blitzø: yep.

Millie couldn't help but burst out laughing at his suggestion.

Millie: You know what, sir? Maybe you're right.

Blitzø: see that, my girl.

Millie: but speaking of which, why haven't you asked him about fucking as well? It's not like you to not since you basically fuck me and Moxxie before.

Blitzø: oh well, you see


Y/n was soundly asleep as if there was no problem in his life.

Suddenly, his phone started going off, waking him up. He looked around momentarily before grabbing his phone and answering the call.

Y/n: h-Hello?

Blitzø: hey, y/n, I couldn't help but notice that I was near your place an-

Y/n: how do you know where I live?

Blitzø: That's beside the point, but being honest with you, I actually need to bone someone.

Y/n: you know I respect that for just outright saying you want to fuck me, but uh let me make it pretty clear No.

Blitzø: Come on, you're not down for one time.

Y/n grabbed his forehead, trying to stop a migraine from forming. He sighed, closed the call, put his phone away, and turned to head back to sleep.




Suddenly he felt something land on top of him, breaking his spine into two.

He quickly sat up to see Blitzø lying on his back looking awkwardly back at him.

The two were like that for a good solid few minutes before Blitzø finally spoke up.

Blitzø: hey, so want to bang?

Y/n: get out of here.

*present day*

Millie: You really have no shame, do you Blitzø?

Blitzø: hey what can I say I don't want to be having feathers in my throat?

Millie: Hey, so was it just me or did he seem more stronger?

Blitzø: you know now that you mentioned it. He did seem much faster from before, when we were fighting those heaven babies.

Blitzø: meh it probably nothing now come on I want to see that hog gets its guts carved out.

Blitzo went walking after them, leaving Millie by herself. She just shook her head before smiling a little and ran after the others.

Words count 4093

Also, thanks to my supporters below

Benjamin Navarrete



Charles Linder
