"...You Might Be Strong..."

Katsu: "This is the coolest thing we've gotten since we got here! Thanks Big Bro!"

Shelly(bowing): "Thank you, Sensei."

The man then holds his watch up, it's gold plated compared to the plain stainless steel of his students.

Daisuki:"These watches use the heartbeat monitor and the tracking device in case you get trapped or stuck under rubble from a giant hostile. The colors from left to right represent Squad 40's commanding order in case I am decommissioned during a mission or the case I'm not with you during a mission. If we are ever put on a mission with any other squads we simply bump fist

(he holds his arm out) and hold it for a few seconds. The watch will add their color to all three of the rest of ours." 

He gets stern.

Daisuki: "Remember you're representing squad 40 at all times even if you're alone. The order is made according to the combination of your academic and physical records at the academy, as well as different accomplishments achieved during missions. The bigger dot is always the captain or leader, right now it's myyy favorite color, red. And the X on the end, is shown when a person has taken off the watch like our rebel without a cause or if one of us is dead."

Saku standing up is looking at his new clothes and his dog's bandana. His watch then glows and displays "10:34" and "N" the same 🔴🟣⚪ the ❌ is shown flashing. 

Daisuki: "More importantly, it's a sign that your teammate is still alive somewhere, it's hope that they'll be back safe."

Beeping is heard coming from all of the other watches in the room. Katsu and Shelly look at their watches.

Saku: "I hope the order equation has a variable for people who believe in free will. (Looks at Shelly and Katsu) If I'm stronger than someone physically I won't do what they say if I don't want to. That is what true freedom is."

Daisuki(to himself):"You're already on the right track."

Shelly squints her eyes in aggravation.

Shelly:"What's that supposed to mean? You think just cuz I'm a girl means I wouldn't be able to stop you if I really wanted to?"

The watches stop their beeping and they all reset. The 3 of the students look on in suspense.

🔴🟣⚫⚪ pops up. Katsu is shown smiling excitedly to see the 4 colored dots of his watch.

Katsu:"That's so cool! So I guess your color is black Sa…ku…"

He realizes what he's missed.

Saku is infuriated at Shelly who is mocking him.

Shelly: "Look at that #3. Guess you better not act up around your superior. I'm surprised your position is before Katsu's. He's definitely smarter than you. Maybe you aren't all talk when it comes to your fighting skills if they're enough to make up for your intellect."

Daisuki smiles and shakes his head.

Daisuki: "The SC on Shelly's watch stands for Student Captain'. Since I'm just a mentor from the previous generation, Shelly is technically, you're generational peer."

Saku, offended, starts getting closer to the girl and she is meeting him halfway. 

His dog gets up.

Saku:"Friend, stay!"

Katsu steps to stop her.

Shelly:"Katsu, stay away from him!"

The dog and the young man listen and watch as the two are within a foot of each other. They are both wearing their sweatshirts, staring down the other to find the alpha between the two. Shelly looking up, hood off, now revealing the gold SC patch on her right sleeve. 

While Saku has his hood on, with a good 4 inches taller than her. 

Katsu looks at Daisuki.

The man who is supposed to be their squad's teacher looks at him, shrugs, and does the "their 'Coo-Coo'" gesture. He takes a deep breath and sits in the teachers chair and watches the event.

Saku:"It's only cuz I never paid attention in class you weak woman! I only enjoyed the hand to hand sparring because I got aggression out. I've never lost if you want the truth.*even nods over to Katsu quickly then back* I always won and saved him mostly when there was more than one person."

Shelly is still unintimidated and looks at her misogynistic teammate as he continues.

Saku:"One of the scouting teachers said he's only seen one other student at the academy who can fight 'probably' better than me but I only arrived last year and I guess I never had the same schedule as them."

Katsu:"Uh Sa-"

Daisuki(cuts him off): "Pssst"

Katsu looks over and Daisuki then waves the tips of his fingers across his neck to stop the boy's impulse to interrupt the conflict.

Daisuki: "This'll be funny."

Saku:"At first I would only go to those classes for my aggression. The chance to fight someone other than these weaklings trying to play hero, added to my desire to go to those classes and hope my schedule crossed with that person. Then, I'll admit, I did learn something I hadn't from street fighting."

Friend is licking himself as his master rants, metaphorically, imitating Saku.

Saku: "But because this place uses the things you enjoy as a weapon against you, they said I couldn't attend that combat class unless I went to the dumb academic classes too."

Daisuki silently smirks,

Daisuki:(to himself) "And even then you only went to half of those classes."

Shelly, not intimidated, smiles in his face towards his complex for not being considered better at fighting.

Shelly:(with a cocky smile)"I guess Katsu made the right call on who would be the smarter AND stronger bodyguard doesn't it?"

Saku grits his teeth. Katsu watches in worry and the mentor watches knowing he can stop a serious fight between them if it happens.

Daisuki(to himself): "It's one thing to use your strength to intimidate a woman, knowing she is the most skilled fighter in her academy…"

Shelly and Saku both react at the same time as they both throw a right punch. Their fists perfectly land on the others cheek, their heads stretched slightly back. Even though there's a loud impact, both keep looking at each other and seem to eat the damage from the single punch.

Their expressions have now seemed to have switched, Shelly is not amused and looks very angry. While Saku is smiling as if this is the most fun he's had.

Saku(fists still connected):"So it was you!"

Daisuki:"…It's another thing, and probably the biggest ego check, for a strong man, to swing on a woman and not know she's a savage."

Katsu is shaking from the tension caused by his two friends. Violence being the one thing his father told him to not use on other humans, especially friends.

Katsu:"That's what I wanted to tell you… Saku, from my experience, your will power is incredible, I've never seen you back down from any type of physical challenge, and you might be strong, but...Shelly, is different."

Saku is still smiling at her scowl as they slowly back off after one hit.

Saku:*chuckles* "If she is built different, then I guess this means we're both the same, huh?"

His vision starts to slowly fade, vignetting to darkness as he walks back to his seat. Acting tough but doesn't know he's delirious and wobbling. He says his thoughts out loud,

Saku:(While falling unconscious) "Did… my mom just…hit… me?"

His PoV sees a pair of arms catch him as he passes out.