Family Use Only

Everybody is staring at Katsu after his declaration of his purpose. Saku again has his arms over the top of the couch, his head on top of his crossed arms, looking at his deranged squadmate.

Saku: "So lemme get this straight, you think these alien Icemen are just 'misunderstood' and the dragon who started all this, is intentionally making those aggressive, unintelligent and territorial Ice-like bipeds think they're defending THEIR species from aliens?"

Katsu makes eye contact with Saku.

Katsu: "Yes. My dad used to say that 'aggression is a byproduct of fear'. Fear is a byproduct of not wanting to die. It's the inability to communicate or find a compromise before the fight or flight window opens and causes irrational actions. The Icemen are living creatures that have one life and if Levi IS tricking them, from their point of view, WE'RE the aliens that they woke up to, not us waking up to them."

His head goes down and his eyes close. Shelly's instinct can no longer feel 'that switch' and Katsu opens his eyes to exact eye contact with her, he smiles at his adopted sister.

Daisuki looks at his watch, 11:09pm and NW is shown. Where Shelly's "SC" symbol on her watch is "MNTR" on his.

Daisuki(Shocked): "Gahhdammit. We're here after closing and keeping these *hickupp* nice people here longer than they need *hhik* to."

Shelly looks at her watch.

Shelly: "And the shuttles to the Academy District are closed for the night."

Katsu: "Big Bro can you open a portal so we can get back to our dorm rooms?"

Saku(from the couch): "I doubt he's able to even stand up straight, nevermind focus on using his 2nd Stage power."

Daisuki begins to stumble towards Saku. Saku side eyes the familiar walk his mother would do.


Saku: "Yea. Yea. You don't tell me when-"

Daisuki(cuts him off):"You're absolutely right*hic* I'mma wasted kiddos.*hic*"

Saku gets surprised by his drunk mentor's personality compared to his drunk mothers. He takes a moment and expresses a small smile. Saku gets up from the couch, his eyes closed.

Saku: "Alright, alright 'Big Bro' lets get you home."

He opens his eyes to see Daisuki already piggybacked on Shelly. She is easily holding his "dead body weight" up and walking towards the door.

Saku(stunned): "Wh-what are you doing?!"

Shelly(unphased): "What? If we let him walk by himself we'll probably never leave this restaurant. What? Do you wanna carry him?"

Katsu reaches into Daisuki's pocket and pulls out his wallet, opens it and finds his military ID.

Katsu(reading the ID): "This has his housing district level and his apartment number."

He looks up at his Squadmates exchanging their inebriated mentor. Saku takes the man that the 18 year old woman was easily carrying. 

Once Daisuki is completely on Sakus back, he struggles to stand up and his legs are seen shaking.

Saku(struggling to speak):"Ok…Lets go."

Shelly and Katsu comically stand watching him struggle.

Daisuki(unaware): "Hey stahhp the cab. I don'feel so hot.*brrmmf*"

A shot of the door sign "Reserved for Military Family Use Only" zooms in as Daisuki is heard throwing up offscreen, while piggybacking Saku.