The Squad Is Never Full

With Daisuki entering first, next is Scylia and she ends up walking next to him. Saku, Friend, and Itsuka are the next "wave", with Katsu and Shelly last. 

The two groups follow him through the well lit traffic tunnel. The "inside" of the sanctuary is no different from where they came from except a couple tents off to the side and the emergency exit doors are now open.

Daisuki gives a wave to the few people who call out to him with a hello. The six additions to Sanpaku look at a father and daughter playing a board game outside their tent.

Little Girl: "Hi Uncle Skii!"

Daisuki stops and takes a knee to get to eye level with the elementary schooler.

Daisuki: "Well Helloooo, Lil Ms.Kawaii has your Papa been able to beat you at your games yet?"

Lil Ms. Kawaii: "Nope. Papa loses at everything!"

Papa: "Oi, oi keep it down Kawaii....(gets upset)....I think I purposely let her win so many times, I forgot how to actually win."