TayTay's Tragic Backstory Part 1

On a bright summer day out in the wide open ocean, 10 years before Leviathan's invasion. 

A young chubby cheeked 9 year old Taylor is on a small family sized fishing boat with his mother and father. Even at 9 years old, the boy is 4 feet 7 inches tall and well over 150 pounds.

On the bow of the vessel is TayTay's father, a short, top heavy, muscled man but with a handsome chiseled jaw. He is wearing a Hawaiian button down shirt and cargo shorts. After casting his lure out into the sea water, he takes a seat with his legs hanging off the front of his boat and takes a sip of beer. He lets out a refreshing breath and looks at the beautiful blue world surrounding them then looks back at his family.

Papa Tay: "There's nothing more a man can ask for."