TayTay & "Sock's" Reunion

The group of Clone Daisuki, Saku, Dom, and Clone Aiden turn the corner just in time to see Sol off on the sidewalk while in the middle of the street, Taylor with his gigantic fist, punches an Iceman in the jaw, spinning its body 180°. 

Taylor bear hugs the Iceman from the back, pinning it's arms down so it can't scratch at him.

Daisuki Clone: "There's no way..."

They all watch as Taylor, german suplexes the 6 foot tall ice alien, smashing the back of the alien's head, but it's still alive. Taylor easily does a backwards somersault with the monster still in his inescapable clamps and german suplexes the Iceman two more times before effortlessly tossing the ice monster's lifeless, headless, corpse into an empty alley.

Saku(huge smile): "THATAH BOY TAYTAY!"