
Charybdis wakes up against the audience wall, next to Aiden waving a smelling salt stick under his nose. 

He remembers the fight and stands up quickly which startles Princess Kawaii, making her squeak in fear.

The 22 year old looks around, confused. 

He sees Dom on the participant wall and the winner of Round 2 gives a friendly wave over to his superior and supervisor. 

Char then looks at the two remaining Izanagi Division members in the 4v4. Scylia blows him a kiss and Katsu holds his tatted thumb up. 

Katsu: "Don't worry Big Bro Char, we got this!"

Sol is lying on her back, her eyes closed.

Sol: "Boy, you weren't lying when you said you weren't much of a fighter."

Char looks over at the beautiful dark skinned young woman, unsure of how to respond to her insult. 

Shelly tries to defuse the situation.

Shelly: "Did you say that you used to surf Charybdis Senpai?"

The defeated Gunner sits back down against the wall.