Katsu Vs. Saku I

Daisuki turns around and raises his hand.

Daisuki: "Saku are y-"

Saku swings without giving Daisuki time to finish.

Katsu, as if knowing Saku would start early, weaves the punch with a smile. He returns one that connects directly with Saku's stomach, it catches Saku and the entire audience by surprise.

Katsu then swings at Saku's head but he blocks and pushes the punch to the side. He returns a left swing that lands on Katsu's cheek as he attempts to dodge but he weaves into the punch instead. 

It knocks him down and Saku jumps on top of him he throws a few punches downward that land on Katsu's blocking arms. 

From the bleachers Shelly goes to jump off and stop the fight but Daisuki grabs her hand.

Daisuki: "Trust him to get out of it. He isn't knocked out."

Shelly: "You said to let your opponents up!"

Daisuki points to the 45 yard line and Shelly turns around.