Rebekah DaeMon & "This Dumb Bitch"

Back in Roronora City a.k.a Gangsta's Paradise, alien snow falling.

Police cars flashing their blue lights around the area where Don Laban DaeMon and her goons harassed the man, Benny. Then influenced a young woman/"pet" to kill her "Master" and take his eye to be recognized as a citizen. 

The young woman "pet" is unconscious next to the body of the dead man, Benny. 

One cop opens her right eye revealing a twitching IceEye where the girl's right yellow eye used to be.

Nephilim, Tristan, Bethany, and Silpheed are on the sidewalk waiting for the Don to finish her conversation with the officer. 

Nephilim: "Not bad, Don Laban. Not bad."

Tristan and Bethany look at him shocked.

Tristan: "What do you mean 'Not Bad', Nephilim Sir? That was horrifying."

Without turning towards his "disciple", Nephilim explains himself.