Arai & Maniae: An All Too Familiar Relationship

While waking through their city, Nephilim and Silpheed stop to look at a rebuilt church, being painted by a man on a tall ladder.

The two highly respected officials stop and check out the man's hard work.

Nephilim: "It's truly a thing of beauty, isn't it Silph? Even in a situation that can be considered a time of revelations, it's admirable to see the people who find comfort in their religion and don't sway from their faith. Iwish I could instill that sense of trust into Mina, and have him fully understand that he is wrong, and what he should do right."

Silpheed: "iiv- oou- good-, Nef-e-uh-um Zr, ow- woo- oou- akk- iim- ahdon-?"

Nephilim closes his eyes and takes a disheartened sigh.