"...No Hard Feelings."

"Yin and Yang, male and female, strong and weak, rigid and tender, heaven and earth, light and darkness, thunder and lightning, cold and warmth, good and evil...the Interplay of opposite principles constitutes the universe."- Confucius


Katsu(mumbling): "I'm going to kill him...

I'm going to kill him...

I'm going to kill him...

I'm going to kill him...

I'm going to kill him...

I'm going to kill him...

I'm going to kill him..."

Slithery Voice: *giggle* "Yea. Yea. Yea.

I've heard you say that literally an infinite amount of times now, but...


... because I love watching your reaction to your failures, the deeper you get in your little 'story' of a life, I'll help you fight my sister's vessel to get through this pickle you've gotten yourself into, for now.
