"Diamond-Like Seiõr"

"He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination!"-Ephesians 3:20


[Sanpaku Cafeteria]

[5 minutes before Daisuki, Scylia, and Zoram walk in]

While Squad 40 is having their recouping meal, between the fighting women, Saku and Katsu are EyeEngaged.

Shelly, being the one who has eaten as much as the two young men combined doesn't notice their unlocking stares.

Using his inconspicuous ability, without needing to pop his eye off to it's 2nd Stage, Katsu talks to his rival using his Communication Eye.

Katsu(telekinesis): *Look at you, sulking underneath all those girls.

You're pathetic.*

Saku isn't surprised anymore by the surprises Katsu can continuously display.

Saku(telekinesis): *So, you don't need to activate your Anjell Eye to 2nd Stage to use it's abilities?*