Compassion Vs. Preservation: "SeiõrSense"

"Those who have compassion when they do battle will be victorious.

Those who likewise defend themselves will be safe.

Heaven will rescue and protect them with compassion." -[Tao Te Ching Chapter 67]


The older gentleman who left his buddy in the middle of their chess match is sucking wind as he reaches Daisuki's "Head Hancho" office door.

He knocks almost as he opens the door to enter and see a surprised Scylia standing up in front of the desk.

She turns around, slightly startled by the immediate intrusion but understands something is up by the way the older man is out of breath.

Scylia: "Can I help you sir?

Is something the matter?"

She moves to the mini fridge behind Daisuki's desk and grabs a water for the man.

Before she can turn around...

Older Gentleman: *wheeze* "The entrance...*wheeze*

Something...*wheeze* happened!"

Scylia's eyes grow wide.