A New Challenger Comes To The Plate

"Thirty spokes unite around one hub to make a wheel.

It is the presence of the empty space that gives the function of a vehicle.

Clay is molded into a vessel. It is the empty space that gives the function of a vessel.

Doors and windows are chisel out to make a room.

It is the empty space in the room that gives its function.

Therefore, something substantial can be beneficial.

While the emptiness of void is what can be utilized." -Tao Te Ching Chapter 11


Silpheed moves and takes a step to the side so the chivalrous Maniae can place the ceramic plates under the water.

Silpheed(nods): "Fhng- ouu- Mhhniayy-.

Oummf- Ai'm- dnn- heear-, whh- knn- zdrrd- orr- dreyyniin- ivv- ouu- wahnn-."

The enthusiastic 'younger brother' blushes and smiles wide.

Maniae: "Really?! You mean it?!"

Silpheed returns to the dishes with a nod to his question.

