Phæstis: "The Lost, Airheaded, & Peripatetic Völva"

"Virtue, which mortals win only through great suffering, is the most beautiful reward of life.

Because of your radiance, oh Virgin, to the Ǽllinæs, it is enviable to die for you and, in so doing, to suffer furious, ceaseless labors.

Such is that which you inspire within us, the fruit of which is Godlike and greater than gold and progeny and leisurely sleep.

Because of you, Îraklís and the sons of Zefs and Lída endured many difficult labors to acquire your strength.

Yearning for you, Akhilléfs and Aias journeyed to the house of the dead.

And on account of your friendly form, this great one from the city of Atarnéfs forsook the light of the sun.

His works will spread his fame, and the Mousai will increase it forever, those daughters of Mnîmosýnî, extolling the majesty of Zefs the Hospitable One and the reward of abiding Friendship." -An Ode To Virtue: A Poem By Aristotle


{500 Years Before Leviathan's Invasion}