The Path That Inspired Jesse James Part 2/2: Once Broken

Well-Dressed Man: "Now, changing the tone, have you ever had something broken? Think about that for a second.

What was the first thing you thought of?"

With the moment of silence given to her, the sad pink eyes of the magical women tear up thinking of her own answer to the question.

Well-Dressed Man: "May I ask, was it a material thing such as your car, motorcycle, lawn mower? Maybe you thought of your favorite cup or necklace that you hold dear?

Oh, the list we could write of material things that have been broken in our lives.

Some of us might have thought a different way like a broken bone or a broken heart, or broken relationship, maybe broken dreams or even a broken spirit.

Which none of them are easy to recover from.

But did anybody think of this broken world?"

Once again, Jesse's eyes widen in surprise to the man's own thoughts to his own pondering mind.

Jesse James(thinking): * true...*