"Therefore are my loins filled with anguish; pangs have taken hold upon me, as the pangs of a woman in travail: I am pained so that I cannot hear; I am dismayed so that I cannot see.
My heart fluttereth, horror hath affrighted me; the twilight that I desired hath been turned into trembling unto me.
They prepare the table, they set the watch, they eat, they drink: rise up, ye princes, anoint the shield. For thus hath the Lord said unto me, Go, set a watchman; let him declare what he seeth: and when he seeth a troop, horsemen in pairs, a troop of asses, a troop of camels, he shall hearken diligently with much heed." -Isaiah 21:3-7
[Kami Island North Shore]
Standing at the bow of her watercraft, Jesse James is directing her fleet through the communications of the vessel and it's Captain.
Captain: "So, Ms. Sheriff, with all due respect, what do you suppose our strategy of approach should be to breach the island?"